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Okt. 10., 2010 | 05:40 pm
posted by: santa_be in pajautaa

1. Man ir dators, kas nav pirkts latvijā, kontā nav naudas un gribētos iegūt nelegālu tildi? kas un kā man jādara, kur novilkt? palīdziet nabagam!

2. Es gūglēju, bet tā arī neatradās kāda bezmaksas novelkama portugāļu-angļu-portugāļu valodas vārdnīca. Man ir viena datoram, bet lietojama tikai ar cd un ir ārkārtīgi nabadzīga.

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Comments {10}


from: [info]santa_be
date: Okt. 10., 2010 - 07:25 pm

Ir angļu valodai, latviešu neesmu atradusi, hm, bet jāpaskatās

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from: [info]hessin
date: Okt. 10., 2010 - 07:29 pm

If you regularly use the Web in multiple languages, you can easily switch between different language dictionaries as you type.

1. Make sure the languages you commonly use are listed as preferred webpage languages in the Fonts and Languages dialog.
2. Right-click a word that's underlined by the spell-checker.
3. Select Spell-checker options.
4. Select the dictionary language you want to use from the languages listed. If the language isn't listed, select Language settings and add it as a preferred webpage language.

(There's a chance that the language you add may not have a spell-checker dictionary available. If that's the case, you won't be able to check your spelling in that language.)

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from: [info]santa_be
date: Okt. 10., 2010 - 07:46 pm

O, paldies!

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