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Maijs. 19., 2010 | 06:12 pm
posted by: pusnakc in pajautaa

Nils Geimens "Nekadiene", ļoti patika, gribētu kaut ko līdzīgu palasīt, kaut ko kur aprakstīti visai neiespējami notikumi un piedzīvojumi! :) Kāds var man kaut ko ieteikt?

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Comments {18}

Bartzabel Lennon

from: [info]jimmy
date: Maijs. 19., 2010 - 09:16 pm

tad ko, zvaigžņu kari būtu uz realitāti balstīti? neapvainojies, bet tu seko tam ko stāsti?
un grāmatu tu esi lasījis? (es par Atvudu)

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sekoju sekoju

from: [info]freakart
date: Maijs. 20., 2010 - 10:14 am

I agree in spirit: to my mind, the essential difference between ScF and fantasy is whether the fictional world is ruled by laws that are understandable by human reason, and eventually controllable by human effort, or whether capricious supernatural entities run the show. Orson Scott Card is quoted (whether accurately I know not) as saying, "An SF story works based on a set of rules that are explicit throughout the book, while a fantasy story works by rules that are rather vague and shadowy."

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Bartzabel Lennon

Re: sekoju sekoju

from: [info]jimmy
date: Maijs. 20., 2010 - 01:34 pm

un? zvaigžņu kari tāpat paliek fantāzija, bet Atvudas sci-fi

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