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Okt. 27., 2009 | 09:50 pm
posted by: lauska in pajautaa

Labvakar, dārgie angļu valodas zinātāji! :)
Ir šāds teikums:
In 80% of cases one or other parent was born outside the United States, in 74% of the cases both parents were Catholic, and in 86% of cases their homes were close to vice spots and in areas infested by gangs.

Un jautājums, ko šajā kontekstā nozīmē vice spots?

upd: pāāldies :)

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Comments {4}

Young & braless

from: [info]made_in_china
date: Okt. 27., 2009 - 10:01 pm

viena no vice nozīmēm ir
"criminal activities involving prostitution, pornography, or drugs"
tāpēc pieļauju, ka varētu būt saprotams kā ar to saistīts rajons, t.i., krimināls rajons, blablabla
