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Sep. 14., 2009 | 12:18 pm
posted by: affair in pajautaa

vai kāds varētu padalīties ar visām "Hamaleonu rotaļu" sezonām. vēlams latviešu valodā.

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Comments {24}

from: [info]redrum
date: Sep. 14., 2009 - 12:21 pm

es tev varētu konspektēt sižetu vienā vārdā - sviesc

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from: [info]hessin
date: Sep. 14., 2009 - 12:31 pm



The character of Brooke has famously had romantic entanglements with several members of the same family:

* A long-running romance with Ridge Forrester, which has led to several marriages and son RJ (Ridge Jr.)
* A previous marriage to Nick. Nick was first married to her daughter Bridget, who divorced him, after miscarrying their child, so that he could marry Brooke.
* A previous marriage to Ridge's half-brother Thorne.
* A previous marriage to Ridge's other half-brother Nick.
* A previous marriage to Thorne's father Eric, that produced two children (Rick and Bridget).
* An affair with her daughter Bridget's first husband Deacon, which resulted in daughter Hope.

Brooke is the biological mother of a son, Jack, with Bridget's second husband Nick. Nick married Bridget only to have the marriage end when he confessed to having sex with Katie, Bridget's aunt. Nick and Bridget were divorced freeing Nick and Katie to live together, and then suffer a miscarriage.

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