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Nov. 23., 2008 | 07:17 pm
posted by: lidosta in pajautaa

Kādi ir metāla rūdu ieguves veidi?
it kā jābūt trim

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Comments {10}

from: anonīmiķis
date: Nov. 23., 2008 - 07:20 pm

There are three basic ways of treating metallic ores in order to extract their metal content. Pyrometallurgy is the treatment of metals and their ores by heat. Pyrometallurgy includes Roasting, which is the heating of ores in air or heating it with a reducing agent such as carbon (coke) or carbon monoxide. Pyrometallurgy is the oldest extractive process. In early day Nevada, carbon was obtained from pinyon pines, juniper trees or sagebrush. The wood was collected and heated in ovens which resembled beehives and these ovens became the "Beehive Ovens" found today near numerous old mining camps.

The second basic way of treating metallic ore is electrometallurgy. In this method the metals are processed using electricity such as electroplating and electrorefining. Electric arc furnaces are used to make steel. Electrometallurgy is used when very high purity metal is needed.

The third basic way of treating metallic ore is hydrometallurgy. This is a wet process as the name implies, where reactants are used in a water solution. This method has not been used on an industrial scale due to the high costs involved. However, as the concentration of desired metal becomes less in the ores mined, the wet processing of the more valuable metal ores becomes more feasible.

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from: [info]lidosta
date: Nov. 23., 2008 - 07:26 pm

kā latviski ir 'pyrometallurgy'?

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only after dark

from: [info]tvarj
date: Nov. 23., 2008 - 07:26 pm

es domaaju spridzinot :) pirotehnika...

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from: [info]lidosta
date: Nov. 23., 2008 - 07:28 pm

mētāla rūdu iegueves veidi:
1)pirotehnika (???)
3) hidrometalurģija

nav labi

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from: anonīmiķis
date: Nov. 23., 2008 - 07:31 pm

Tev atbilēm jābut vienā vārdā?
Ja ne, tad 1. būtu "apstrādājot termiski (kausējot rūdu)" vai tamlīdzīgi.

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from: [info]lidosta
date: Nov. 23., 2008 - 07:35 pm

es mospļaujos un rakstu pirometalurģija, nav man tik labas anbgļu val.zināšanas + piekabinu Apstrādā kausējot

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only after dark

from: [info]tvarj
date: Nov. 23., 2008 - 07:34 pm

da nee jau :D ne taa es to domaaju :)

Atbildēt | Iepriekšējais | Diskusija

from: [info]lidosta
date: Nov. 23., 2008 - 07:35 pm

būs jau labi:D

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from: [info]osinsh
date: Nov. 23., 2008 - 07:24 pm

4. - molča.

ha ha


from: [info]digna
date: Nov. 23., 2008 - 09:24 pm

Žēl, ka neuzdevi šo jautājumu ap trijiem, tad es varētu Tev pateikt, kā tas pareizi latviski saucas..
Rītdien būs par vēlu?
