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Jul. 13., 2008 | 05:13 pm
posted by: atheist in pajautaa

Esmu tikusi līdz "Link and confirm your debit or credit card". Gribētu saprast, kā tā confirmation izpaužas. "Check your card statement in 2-3 days and find the 4-digit PayPal code for the charge. Return to PayPal and enter the 4-digit code to confirm your card." Kas īsti man ir jāčeko to 2-3 dienu laikā un kur pēc tam ir jāvada tas 4-digit kods?

Paldies, gudrie cilvēki!

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Comments {3}


from: [info]mako
date: Jul. 13., 2008 - 06:19 pm

Tā tu pierādi, ka tā toč ir tava karte, ne nozagta.

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