
lidoshana ar beerniem liidz 3 gadu vecumam

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Mar. 7., 2007 | 03:38 pm
posted by: ld in pajautaa

mani tikko sabaidiija, ka viens pieaugushais var lidot ne vairaak kaa ar vienu beernu liidz 3 gadu vecumam. vai kaads ar to ir saskaaries? tikko izbuuros cauri airbaltic noteikumiem, tur neko taadu nemaniiju, bet ja nu?

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Comments {22}

Ilse Kahrklis

from: [info]ld
date: Mar. 7., 2007 - 05:16 pm

biljete ir jaapeerk KATRAM. nu vismaz es samaksaaju par katru.
vispaar nelidoju jau pirmoreizi, bet pirmoreizi ar diviem beerniem liidz 3 gadu vecumam.

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from: [info]kemune
date: Mar. 7., 2007 - 05:27 pm

"No more than two infants (being children under the age of two years on the date of travel) per accompanying person are allowed. Infants under two weeks of age will not be accepted for travel.

Children aged two years or over must occupy their own seat and pay the same fares as adults.

If an adult is travelling with more than one infant under the age of two years, but no less than six months, one infant may sit on the accompanying adult's lap and the other infant(s) must occupy separate seats and be seated in a car seat in accordance with the above table."

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Ilse Kahrklis

from: [info]ld
date: Mar. 7., 2007 - 05:33 pm

nu te nekas nav par 3 gadiem mineets. bet katrai aviokompaanijai ir savi noteikumi.
paldies par paliidzeeshanu melkeejot!

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from: [info]kemune
date: Mar. 7., 2007 - 05:29 pm

bukojot lidojumu ar vienu sīko (līdz 2 gadiem), EasyJet jāpiemaksā kaut kādi 10 EUR un jātur sīkais klēpī

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Ilse Kahrklis

from: [info]ld
date: Mar. 7., 2007 - 05:34 pm

jaa - taa tas ir. bet tas neietekmee citu pasazhieru biljetes.

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from: [info]kemune
date: Mar. 7., 2007 - 05:54 pm

nē, es par to, ka šajā gadījumā un šajā aviokompānij';a viena biļete tikai kopā jāapmaksā.

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