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Mar. 4., 2007 | 07:31 pm
posted by: shrinaut in pajautaa

senajiem senajiem ēģiptiešiem bija kaut kāds nedievs/dēmons, kuram paticis ēst bērnus(?) kā viņu sauc?

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Comments {6}


from: [info]watt
date: Mar. 4., 2007 - 08:24 pm

bija Molohs tāds, kam bērnus upurēja, bet nez vai ēģiptē

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from: [info]morphine
date: Mar. 5., 2007 - 10:02 am

"Moloch the God Ba'al, the Sacred Bull, was widely worshipped in the ancient Near East and wherever Punic culture extended. Baal Moloch was conceived under the form of a calf or an ox or depicted as a man with the head of a bull."

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