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Dec. 10., 2006 | 12:06 pm
posted by: kreiza in pajautaa

Tagad TV reklamē svarus, kas, ja cilvēks zaudējis svaru, parāda, vai tā ir muskuļu, vai tauku masa. Kā to var noteikt- pēdas paliek taukainākas vai muskuļainākas, un svari to sajūt? :D

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Comments {5}


from: [info]crescendo
date: Dec. 10., 2006 - 06:12 pm

This appliance gives you the distribution of body fat mass and lean mass through the emission of a low intensity electric current entirely without risk for the user.
This current, transmitted from one foot to the other, is conducted by the water mass mostly present in the lean mass (muscles, water, skeleton, organs, blood). The current comes up against difficulty when trying to pass through fat. This body resistance, known as bio-electric impedance, varies according to the user's sex, age and height and from this the lean mass, fat mass and their respective limits can be determined.
