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Feb. 27., 2006 | 10:06 pm
posted by: flitta in pajautaa

Tātad - Darvinisms... vai tiesa, ka šis kekss dzīves beigās no savas teorijas atteicies un pieņemis Dievu? šoreis gribētos dzirdēt spilgtākos argumentus, kas noliegtu Darvina teoriju. varbūt ir kādas lapas, kur par šo būtu rakstīts? Paldies par jebkādu info!

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Comments {19}


from: [info]flitta
date: Feb. 27., 2006 - 10:24 pm

ja vinjs buutu bijis deziigs kristietis, šis nebūtu mēģinājis noliegt Bībeles vārdu. bet ne par to šoreiz runa. man vajag faktus nevis mutes brūķēšanu nevietā.

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from: [info]dienasgramata
date: Feb. 27., 2006 - 10:25 pm

Darvina brālis bija fašists

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from: [info]flitta
date: Feb. 27., 2006 - 10:27 pm

Un manējais - dārznieks.

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from: [info]dienasgramata
date: Feb. 27., 2006 - 10:38 pm

In The Origin Darwin talks much about pigeons, dogs, beetles, and other forms of life but says nothing of man.

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from: [info]dienasgramata
date: Feb. 27., 2006 - 10:28 pm

Darwin was not an atheist. He described himself as an agnostic, and it is likely that he retained a belief in some kind of personal God, although not a diety who, like some master puppeteer, took a direct and continuously intervening role in the evolutionary process and in human affairs. Throughout his life Darwin maintained a sense of deep humility and a concern for his fellow man, fully aware of the limits of science. Darwin was deeply affected by the death of his older brother Erasmus ("Ras") in August 1881, and it is conjectured that his grief may have exacerbated the seriousness of his own poor health. In early 1882 he had several minor heart attacks. His condition worsened and on April 19, 1882, at 73 years of age, he died at Down House, after several hours of nausea, intense vomiting and retching, symptoms of a chronic illness that bedeviled him for the last 40 years of his life. At his bedside, and attending to his needs, were his wife Emma, his daughter Henrietta and his son Francis. A widespread rumor circulated -- facilitated by an evangelist by the name of Lady Hope who preached in Downe during the last years of Darwins life -- that on his deathbed Darwin renounced evolution and declared himself a Christian. This story, totally contradictory to the nature of the man himself, is a falsehood, denied by his daughter Henrietta and those who knew him best and who were actually at his bedside during his last weeks. Darwin's last words, spoken to his wife Emma, were in actuality, "I am not in the least afraid to die."

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from: [info]dienasgramata
date: Feb. 27., 2006 - 10:32 pm

One can imagine Darwins surprise and the pain of his inner conflict when, after working for 20 years on his theory, he received a package from Indonesia in 1858 containing an essay written by the young English naturalist Alfred Russell Wallace containing an outline of a theory nearly identical to his own, which Wallace indicated was devised one night during a malarial fit. Although both men are credited with the theory of natural selection, priority for the idea of natural selection -- the essence of the theory -- cannot be denied to Darwin, as he had recorded his ideas to paper in 1838 when Wallace was still a teenager. The Origin was published in 1859.

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from: [info]ingmars87
date: Feb. 27., 2006 - 10:34 pm

Tāpat kā Rainis :)

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from: [info]dienasgramata
date: Feb. 27., 2006 - 10:41 pm

several hours of nausea, intense vomiting and retching?

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from: [info]ingmars87
date: Feb. 27., 2006 - 10:47 pm

Nē tak. Es par šo daļu domāju: "Not an atheist. He described himself as an agnostic, and it is likely that he retained a belief in some kind of personal God." Rainim tak ar mēģināja padomju laikos piesiet ateismu.

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