muzons - October 21st, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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October 21st, 2010

Sub-kulturāls vakars klubā Nabaklab [Oct. 21st, 2010|12:33 am]
Trešdien, 27. oktobrī plkst. 21:00 Sub-kulturāls vakars klubā Nabaklab – foto, video un audio kopsavilkums par jauniešu subkultūrām mūsdienu Latvijā. Programmā fotoizstādes atklāšana, dokumentālas īsfilmas „5 lauskas sub?kultūras” pirmizrāde un koncerts. Piedalās PND (punk), Frailty (metal), Skutelis (hiphop) un DJ Sinisters (gothic). Ieeja bezmaksas.

Projekta komanda
Fotogrāfi – Dāvis Drazdovskis, Jānis Ķīnasts, Maija Medne, Santa Savisko, Mārtiņš Taube
Filmas režisors – Andris Krastiņš, OUR FIRE FILMS,
Filmas operatori – Andris Krastiņš, Lelde Goba

Informācija par pasākumu
Ieva Tihovska,, tālr. 29191640
Maija Medne,, tālr. 26741537

Paldies ELM MEDIA ( un visiem, kas piedalījās.
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Kletka Red "Hybrid" [2000], "Hijacking" [1996] [Oct. 21st, 2010|10:33 am]


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Kletka Red is the project of guitarist and vocalist Leonid Soybelman and guitarist Andy Moor (of Dog Faced Hermans and Ex).

Hijacking (1996)
Hybrid (2000)
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Brian Eno - Small Craft on a Milk Sea (2010) [Oct. 21st, 2010|01:20 pm]


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The music recorded for this album was mostly improvised and inspired by the sound of soundtrack albums and film scores. Some of the songs were composed by choosing random chords played for arbitrary intervals with improvised electronic parts on top of the melody and then edited together to make a proper song.

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[Oct. 21st, 2010|07:12 pm]


Nav jau īsti forši tā, bet ja nu tomēr, kāds ir ticis pie jaunā Auļu albuma, tad iemetiet te.
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The Slits' Ari Up RIP [Oct. 21st, 2010|09:47 pm]


[music |The Slits - Earthbeat]

Lai arī mani ne tik ļoti interesē tas, ko viņa darījusi pēc 18 gadu vecuma, skatīties uz viņu joprojām bija interesanti.

Te daži The Slits koncertņiki un singli.

The Slits, trešā no kreisās.

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Король и Шут - Театръ Демона [Oct. 21st, 2010|10:35 pm]



Король и Шут - Театръ Демона
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Shukar Collective [Oct. 21st, 2010|11:32 pm]


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šitādu albumu iedeva paklausīties:

Shukar Collective - Taves Bahtalo!

Electronic, Folk, World, & Country
Drum n Bass, Downtempo, Folk

wikipedija saka šitā: "Shukar Collective (from the Romany word Shukar or Şucar, meaning "fine") is a Romanian musical group which fuses traditional Romany|Romanes and electronic music. It is especially known for using traditional rhythms employed by the Ursari section of the Roma minority with contemporary electronic sampling. They generally mix various sounds produced by tapping spoons or other domestic objects with those produced on analog synthesizers." (tālāk) 

 *Datnes nosaukums: Shukar collective -Taves Bahtalo..rar 
   Datnes apraksts: 
   Datnes lielums: 144.73 MB
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