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Shukar Collective [Oct. 21st, 2010|11:32 pm]
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šitādu albumu iedeva paklausīties:

Shukar Collective - Taves Bahtalo!

Electronic, Folk, World, & Country
Drum n Bass, Downtempo, Folk

wikipedija saka šitā: "Shukar Collective (from the Romany word Shukar or Şucar, meaning "fine") is a Romanian musical group which fuses traditional Romany|Romanes and electronic music. It is especially known for using traditional rhythms employed by the Ursari section of the Roma minority with contemporary electronic sampling. They generally mix various sounds produced by tapping spoons or other domestic objects with those produced on analog synthesizers." (tālāk) 

 *Datnes nosaukums: Shukar collective -Taves Bahtalo..rar 
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   Datnes lielums: 144.73 MB
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Date:October 22nd, 2010 - 10:49 am
nezinu, kas tas ir, bet ir ļoti foršs, paldies