CannibalSmith ([info]cannibalsmith) rakstīja [info]koderi kopienā,
@ 2009-03-13 15:41:00

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.NET eventu sūtīšana uz UI thread
Kā ir pareizāk? Kā ir labāk? Kā ir optimālāk?
public class Class
	delegate void InvokeEvent(EventArgs e);
	public event EventHandler Event;

	public Class()
		ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(Work));

	void Work()
		Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new InvokeEvent(OnEvent), new EventArgs());

	protected void OnEvent(EventArgs e)
		if (Event != null) Event(this, e);
public class Class
	public event EventHandler Event;

	public Class()
		ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(Work));

	void Work(object state)
		OnEvent(new EventArgs());

	protected void OnEvent(EventArgs e)
		if (Event != null)
			if (Thread.CurrentThread == Application.Current.Dispatcher.Thread)
				Event(this, e);
				Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal, new EventHandler(Event), this, e)

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2009-03-15 10:34 (saite)
IMHO vieglaak ir abstraheet visu multi-thread shitu prom no UI koda nevis piebaazt to ar InvokeRequired paarbaudeem.

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2009-03-15 13:43 (saite)
Tādā gadījumā tu savu klasi padari par sliktu performancei ne-multithreadētā ne-UI kodā.
Bet nu dari kā zini - tava klase :)

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