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Kāds varētu būt trāpīgākais un sakarīgākais jēdziena "placeless" un jo sevišķi "placelessness" tulkojums? Ir ietērpjams vienā vārdā latviski? Varētu jau to pašu vietas viltojumu/viltotu vietu piesaukt, bet varbūt kāds varētu noprecizēt.

Relph argues that, in our modern era, an authentic sense of place is being gradually overshadowed by a less authentic attitude that he called placelessness: “the casual eradication of distinctive places and the making of standardized landscapes that results from an insensitivity to the significance of place” jebšu

Places that lack a "sense of place" are sometimes referred to as "placeless" or "inauthentic." Placeless landscapes are those that have no special relationship to the places in which they are located—they could be anywhere. Roadside strip shopping malls, gas/petrol stations and convenience stores, fast food chains, and chain department stores are often cited as examples of placeless landscape elements.

From: [info]antons_v Date: 21. Novembris 2014 - 18:57 (Pastāvīgā saite)
Pēc analoģijas ar "pārlacīgi" - "pārvietiski". Latinizējot - "metaspatiālas" vietas.
kihelkonna From: [info]kihelkonna Date: 21. Novembris 2014 - 19:03 (Pastāvīgā saite)
Placeless landscapes are those that have no special relationship to the places in which they are located—they could be anywhere.

man liekas, kaut kas tāds tiek saukts par bezpersonisku!
panacea From: [info]panacea Date: 21. Novembris 2014 - 23:34 (Pastāvīgā saite)
panacea From: [info]panacea Date: 21. Novembris 2014 - 23:34 (Pastāvīgā saite)
ai mīn - bezpiederīgs
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