باب ([info]dooora) rakstīja [info]hanna_beedz kopienā,
Es akurāt lasu pērngada The Icelandic Journal (autors - meiteņu kolektīvs):

Why do we often perceive groups/collectives of women as awkward and uncomfortable (women in politics, feminists, women in home care or other similar collectives)?
Don't we usually perceive male groups/collectives as both legitimate and competent and as an asset to the society that will ensure stability and security?
Isn't it contradictory that even destructive collectives consisting of men (it could be talibans, motorcycle gangs, football hooligans or other similar collectives) in a way always are perceived as stable poles in the community?
Aren't these collectives often considered to be natural phenomenon whatever degree of destructiveness they require?
Collectives of women, aren't they usually perceived as potential chaos units that threaten to take too much space?

Vārds, kas caurvij šo ievadeseju ir perception. Un percepcijas var būt ļoti, ļoti garām, kā zināms. Oj, mūs bazūnē kopā uz lekciju. Jauku dieniņ!

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