psihs ([info]psihs) rakstīja [info]gribam_zinaat kopienā,
Spirit has many differing meanings and connotations
  • spirit - a volatile liquid, or an organic chemical belonging to the group of alcohols
  • In medicine, formerly an alcoholic solution of a volatile drug; see tincture
  • Spirit of wine, or aqua vitae, historical name of ethanol
  • Distilled beverage, produced by distilling fermented grain, fruit, or vegetables
  • Surgical spirit, rubbing alcohol
  • Rectified spirit, highly concentrated ethanol
  • Petroleum spirit, a group of liquid hydrocarbon mixtures used as nonpolar solvents
  • Spirit of hartshorn, smelling salts
  • Spirit of salt, hydrochloric acid
  • Spirit of Vitriol, sulfuric acid
  • Spirit of turpentine, a fluid obtained by the distillation of resin obtained from trees

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