BetterDayz ([info]betterdayz) rakstīja [info]flash_mob kopienā,
@ 2004-11-03 15:31:00

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Kursh par ?
Ja ne kopaa, tad vismaz atseviskji, bet visur

Sheit ir siikaak:

Pamata fishkas izklaasts te :

Issaaks izklaasts bez filozofiskaas fishkas:

Parkour is very basically the art of movement where participants (otherwise known as 'Traceurs') use objects within their urban surroundings, to create new and interesting ways of moving. It encompasses running, jumping, vaulting and climbing to overcome these obstacles, where the ultimate aim is to do so in the most fluid and flowing way possible. For people unfamiliar to Parkour, the easiest picture to paint is to say that what we do is the closest you can get to the Matrix, Spiderman and Hong Kong martial arts movies in the sense of movement, without the need for special FX or wires. Get past that mental picture and what you have in front of you is a deep discipline where, as a beginner you'll find yourself practising plenty of singular moves (similar to how skaters practise) but as you become more proficient, you'll find yourself automatically linking things together with the eventual goal coming in the form of one fluid run without any hesitation.

Ja kaadam ir ieteikumi labaam vietaam, kur vareetu nolekt, nokrist, uzlekt, nosisties...iesakat.

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2005-04-21 22:05 (saite)
Nu taa... man taac meerkjis savaakt visus riigas parkouristus vienviet.... pac ar parkouru nodarbojos pusgadu un baigi patiik... labas vietas - griizinjkalnc, vecriiga, kongresa nams... ja ir veelme kopaa parkourot tad raxti


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