Eh, kā tomēr apnīk mūzika sliktā kvalitātē.. bet ko lai dara, ja labā nevar atrast? Varbūt kāds palīdzēs? (jā, jā, beidzot pienācis laiks, kad arī Jerry kaut ko nevar atrast..)
"VAMP" - the gothic rock opera by Jake Perrine (1990.g.) Act I, scn 1:
Alexandra wakes with the rise of the moon. She has been anticipating this evening for a long time. What lies in store?
Alexandra Vocal - Beverly Butrie, Simon Vocal - Michael Beneville
Moonrise Act II, scn. 3:
Simon wakes dizzily atop the piano as if from a strange dream, and catching his reflection in the discarded mirror on the floor, he stares into it blankly, entranced by his own now ghastly reflection. Then he gets an idea.
Beast Act II, scn. 5:
Carmine questions his relationship to God.
Faith Act II, scn. 7 - finale of Act II:
All is chaos, with people entering and exiting in various pairs and trios, in a manic game of hide and seek. By the end, Simon, knocking on Alex's door, while Carmine and Rose entwined in the chappel.
Unveiled Act III, scn. 2:
The Vampiress Alexandra sings this "love song" to Simon who hangs inverted, cut and bleeding like a rack of meat. Its a romantic scene.
Fallen The Epilogue.
All four characters reflect on the misery their actions caused, and if they could have made better choices...
These Days The Overture introduces us to the world of Vamp.
Overture from Vamp