([info]HASH(0x563c0bb88fd8)) rakstīja [info]apple_lietas kopienā,
@ 2006-11-16 11:29:00

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vaardu sakot, enmaaku noshaareet PC failus uz Maca. bakstos gan no vienas puses, gan no otras. gan firewalls atsleegts, gan networks ir, bet nu neatrod vinji viens otru. meegjinaaju caur finderi-go-connect to server - smb://ip/sharedfolder bet nu nekaa. n u kammooon, ko es daru nepareizi?

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2006-11-16 11:47 (saite)
The finder cannot complete the operation besause some data in "smb//XXX.XXX.X.X could not be read or written (error code -36)

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2006-11-16 12:03 (saite)
reku tieshi par sho errorkodu - http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=301580

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