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«Dona Huana mācības»
Posted on 2010.10.28 at 22:21Doom: Miesa
Mūza: Staruha Mha
Šī īpatnējā sajūta saglabājās pietiekami ilgi, lai spētu to apzināties. Tad to nomainīja visu nomācošas bailes, šausmas, kas pārņēma mani nevis pēkšņi, bet kaut kā ļoti vienmērīgi un pietiekami ātri. Sākumā brīnišķīgo klusuma pasauli saplosīja asas skaņas, taču uz mani tas neattiecās. Skaņas kļuva skaļākas un nepārtrauktas, it kā tās spiestos man virsū, un pamazām es zaudēju vienreizējo brīvā lidojuma sajūtu nedalītajā, bezpersoniskajā un brīnišķīgajā pasaulē. Skaņas pārvērtās milzu soļos. Kaut kas milzīgs elpoja un staigāja ap mani. Es nospriedu, ka viņš mani medī.
Metos bēgt, paslēpos zem laukakmeņa un centos no turienes noteikt, kas īsti mani izseko. Pēc kāda laiciņa uz brīdi izrāpoju no savas slēptuves, — un izsekotājs, kuru es tā arī nesaskatīju, metās man virsū. Man uzgāzās kaut kas līdzīgs milzu ūdenszālei. Iedomājos, ka neglābjami tikšu saspiests zem šī gigantiskā gļotu kalna, taču jau tūdaļ atrados kādā bedrē vai iedobumā. Tad ievēroju, ka šīs gļotas vēl nav noklājušas visu zemes virsmu ap mani. Zem laukakmeņa vēl bija brīvs zemes pleķītis. Sāku turp rāpties. Redzēju no gļotu kalna notekam milzīgas piles. Tobrīd "zināju", ka tas izdala gremošanas sulu, lai mani izšķīdinātu. Viena pile uzkrita man uz rokas; es centos noberzt skābi ar zemi un mitrināju roku ar siekalām, turpinot ierakties zemē. Taču pēc dažām sekundēm es jau pats grasījos iztvaikot. Mani izstūma pret gaismu. Droši vien gļotu kalns bija mani izšķīdinājis. Miglaini atskārtu gaismu, tā kļuva aizvien spožāka. Gaisma plūda kaut kur no pazemes, pastiprinājās un beidzot kļuva par sauli, kas pacēlās virs kalnainā horizonta.
/Tulk. Heinrihs Jubels/
Posted on 2010.10.28 at 23:19Doom: Es
Mūza: Bērnu Rīts, Toms Šiklovs & Antireality

Nature Lovers
Posted on 2010.10.28 at 23:50Doom: Visi
Mūza: Omasphere
Believe it or not, lovers underestimate the significance of gender. During courtship men will claim that they want a woman to think and behave like them, and women will imply that they want the men to think and behave like women. So it becomes great short-term strategy, on both sides, to deceive the other — men becoming "sensitive New Age guys" and women becoming hiking boot mammas. Then comes: "I thought you were different" and "I was doing what you said you wanted me to." You can see this courtship deception throughout nature if you've got your eyes and ears wide open, which is seldom the case when you're head-over-heels in love. When nature lovers observe nature they often see yang and yin and seldom see male and female. Yin and yang are fondly thought of as harmonic, balancing principles, and being in love seems like perfectly interlocking lumps of play dough. Male and female is anything but that. Male and female is a reproductive strategy, created by natural selection, which ensures genetic diversity. Since natural selection (nature) doesn't care how difficult it is for humans trying to get along in modern times, this is what it came up with: Females want the best they can get; males want the most they can get. That's about as succinct a statement of what we resent in one another that I can think of. Humans have been trying to overcome that for millennia without stopping to wonder: why is this so difficult? It would help to understand the origins and function of this dilemma if, in fact, we really wanted to change it. Think about that. The answer goes back a couple of billion years when asexual gametes produced by algae differentiated slightly into a small mobile variety without much nourishment and a large, juicy variety with limited movement capability — in other words, prodigal sperm and scarce eggs.
/Nature Lover by John Wymore/