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Posted on 2011.04.19 at 11:13
Doom: Chaosmos
Mūza: Zombie Nation
Tags: , , , , , , , , , ,

Bija piemirsies šis burvīgais jēdziens...

The apeiron has generally been understood as a sort of primal chaos. It acts as the substratum supporting opposites such as hot and cold, wet and dry, and directed the movement of things, by which there grew up all of the host of shapes and differences which are found in the world. Out of the vague and limitless body there sprang a central mass — this earth of ours — cylindrical in shape. A sphere of fire surrounded the air around the earth and had originally clung to it like the bark around a tree. When it broke, it created the sun, the moon and the stars. The first animals were generated in the water. When they came to earth they were transmuted by the effect of the sun. The human being sprung from some other animal, which originally was similar to a fish. The blazing orbs, which have drawn off from the cold earth and water, are the temporary gods of the world clustering around the earth, which to the ancient thinker is the central figure. [x]


Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-04-19 17:37 (Tipa)
NKDS: 99% Latvijas iedzīvotāju nezina, ka Visums ir radies no apeirona.

[info]mindbound at 2011-04-19 21:38 (Tipa)
[info]echoes at 2011-04-24 10:22 (Tipa)
Pirmā brīdī nesapratu, no kurienes tik pazīstama bilde - tāda man bija uz skolas klades, šķiet, vēstures. Stundu laikā izpētīta pamatīgi, bet re kā piemirsies.
Sajutos kā atrodot vecāku skapī pusruļļa pārpalikumu no bērnībsdienu istabas tapetēm :>
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