massive attack - skaitļi uz ekrāna ir skumji, to mirdzošās virtenes nogalina prieku
sapnis - es braucu ar divriteni pa ielām, bet tur, kur iepriekš bija pazīstams un draudzīgs asfalts, rēgojas milzīgas, bīstamas, 10 metrus dziļas bedres, es mēģinu apbraukt tām apkārt... laikam izdodas...
Why are these women here dancing on their own?
Why is there this sadness in their eyes?
Why are the soldiers here
Their faces fixed like stone?
I can't see what it is they despise
They're dancing with the missing
They're dancing with the dead
They dance with the invisible ones
Their anguish is unsaid
They're dancing with their fathers
They're dancing with their sons
They're dancing with their husbands
They dance alone
They dance alone
(tas bija stings, ne jau es:))