Zane ([info]znx) rakstīja,
@ 2003-03-17 21:30:00

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Mūzika:Massive Attack- Angel

un atkal es varu tikai muljkjiigi pasmaidiit
luukoties baalajaas zvaigznees un smaidiit
smaidiit meenesim, zvaigneem
un teu

it's you i love and not another
and i know our love will last forever
you i love and not another
and i know we'll always be together
some have 1 love, 2 and 3 love
4 and 5 and 6 love
but i believe in 1 love
i believe in 1 love

varjaupuut muljkjiigi bet es ticu..
un i don`t care what they say about us anyway

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