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Noskatījos good-night story "Memento" - ok interesanti, bet sajūta esmu jau to redzējusi . . . mums visiem rādās fragmentāri sapņi un iestājas atmiņas zudumi. Mazajā Lācī bijām kadi 10 . . . . hmmm Jag visu filmas laiku. Maza saruna starp mani un Jacob:
ZD: "See that's my dream car!"
J: "You're expensive woman so is your dream car . . . I know that . . . would you kill for the one you love?"
ZD: “Don’t be such an asshole . . . some A class whores are expensive too . . . and no most probably will not kill neither for love nor for hate . . . as I try to have absence of anger.”
J: “You know what I meant by word expensive . . . it was the positive meaning of the word. I hate to be your rival . . . could you kill for that?”
ZD: “Sure!”
Hmm . . . reizēm filmas iedvesmo cilvēkus runāt dīvainas lietas. Rīt jauna diena - teorētiskā nedēļa! fck' it!