zdv ([info]zdv) rakstīja,
@ 2003-11-20 21:27:00

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Pēc būtības esmu apolitiska, bet visam ir savs mērs . . .
. . . un ja vajag kliedēt stulbumu citu galvās, lai aizstāvētu savas dzimetnes godu . . . ja vēl dod kāds tādu iespēju, tad lai iet politiskas jautrības pilnā sparā . . . uzdevuma noteikumi . . . 3 minūšu scēna pie pusdienu vai vakariņu galda, saruna starp trim slaveniem cilvēkiem:


Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston S. Churchill are sitting around the table. They just have had their dinner.
Joseph is having a glass of red wine. Winston is smoking his cigar and Franklin eating a piece of orange. “The Yalta Conference Agreement February 11, 1945. Protocol of Crimea Conference” that they have to sign on the table in front of them.

There’s nothing better than to take a good whiff of Romeo y Julieta or La Aroma de Cuba.
(he pauses)
Now when we have Europe under our feet.

Winston puffs out a great deal of cigar smoke.

(taking a sip from his glass)
Winston, I would say there is nothing better than a glass of good Georgian wine. Like this one!

He rises his glass. Franklin looks at Joseph.

(looks at Joseph’s glass)
Chin-chin Joseph!

Joseph reacts to Franklin’s chin-chin. Franklin mingles around with his half-eaten orange.

Winston, when we have Europe you can have Cuba.
(pointing at his cigar)

Winston bursts into a good English laugh.

That one can wait! I have between 3000 and 4000 Cuban cigars stocked back home in Kent.

Franklin puts away his orange. Takes the protocol from the table.

Joseph, Winston we have to sign this if we have agreed.

Franklin cocks his eye. Joseph points at the protocol.

We want the southern part of Sakhalin and Kurile Islands.
(he takes another sip)
To protect the “motherland” from future aggression.

Franklin opens corespondent chapter in the protocol.

(to Joseph)
It says you get it if you help us in war against Japan.

Shall do so Franklin!

Winston observes both of them talking.

Joseph what about Poland?

What about it Winston?

I don’t know. You tell me!

Alright Winston! We will held democratic elections.
(thinks for a while to himself)
We’ll call this new government the Polish Provisional Government of National Unity.

Franklin is looking for a pen in his pockets. He finds one and takes it out, puts on the table.

In my favorite Bible passage St. Paul’s Epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 13.
(inhales and stands up)
It says: “Love does not insist on its own way. It is not irritable or resentful. It does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right.”
(he pauses, lifts up the protocol)
Gentleman let’s sign this for new future and map of Europe!

Winston and Joseph claps.

Bravo Franklin!

Joseph lifts up his glass and takes another sip of wine from it.

One more thing. What about remaining forces of German Army in Berlin? Their communication lines?

Franklin looks at Winston. Winston puffs out his cigar smoke.

Any suggestions Joseph?

Let’s open fire-bombing in Dresden as soon as possible.

When is that Joseph?

Joseph thinks for a moment, looks at Franklin. Franklin grants him an inquiring glance.

At night between 13th and 14th of February?

Winston and Franklin nods in agreement.

(handing pen to Joseph)
Let’s sign this gentleman!

Joseph snaps on it his signature, then gives the protocol to Winston. Winston signs it and hands back to Franklin. Franklin signs it as last one.


(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2003-11-21 09:33 (saite)
kādreiz es tev pastāstīšu, kas ir lj cut, lai nebojātu citu useru friendlistes :))

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2003-11-21 09:49 (saite)
Kaut kas saistībā ar Austrumu kultūru un lingvistiku??

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2003-11-21 09:53 (saite)
nē saistībā ar karburatora iedarbību uz bruņurupuci piesaulītē

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2003-11-22 01:00 (saite)
Man vienalga ko tu saki es tevi ....un .....manas asinis ir par daudz martini-vodkas:))) 3 nedeljas un esmu Riga :)))

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

2003-11-22 10:28 (saite)
taa arii nepietika speeka saak lasiit no vietas, kur lat valoda paariet eng valodaa, bet zdv, man prieks, ka intereseejies par politiku:)))
jaa un ko ta Tu riigaa dariisi:)p

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2003-11-22 11:40 (saite)
Diemžēl tā nu tas ir, ka mana scenāriju valoda ir angļu, jo visi mani scenāriju mentori latviski nerunā :)))
Ko es darīšu Latvijā? . . . . satikšu savu klanu (ģimeni); savu vīrieti; nočekošu, kas notiekas ģimenes biznesos; uzfilmēsim vienu scēnu, kuru jāizmanto vienam projektam te; ceru, ka paspēšu aiziet uz operu, bites blūza klubu; ah nu protams Ziemassvētku vakarā uz baznīcu; tēva lauku mājās pikošanās ar sīkajām māsām; slidošanas; slēpošana; pļjāpāšana ar draudzenēm . . . :))))

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2003-11-22 11:59 (saite)
Tu esi tada asha meitene!:).. nu prieks lasiit par cilveeku, kursh var gan pikoties, gan sakliegt uz studijas vechiem, gan satikt viirieti... nu turies ko tad veel lai noveel, veel nedaudz un vareesi saakt izbaudiit korkjus uz vanshu tilta:)
un vispaar kaa vari tik agri sestdienas riitaa sakariigi domaat.. kur ir Tavs nosleepums zdv?:)ppp

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2003-11-22 13:40 (saite)
Nu par savu ašumu pati gan neesmu īpaši pārliecināta, bet nekāda noslēpuma nav. Iemesli ir sekojoši:
1) Mans galvenais guru man teica: "Tu domā! Galvenais visu laiku domā. Nesvaidies apkārt, neņemies pa tukšo, bet aizpildi katru minūti ar domāšanu."
2) Man ir maz laika zem šīs saules jāmēģina paspēt pēc iespējas vairāk. Jāizdara lietas "for the family".
3) Vecmāmiņas vārdi : "Strādā rakari, tad tev būs!"
Konkrēti šajā sestdienā man ir:
a) jāpabeidz scenārija pēdējās minūtes;
b) jānoskatās "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" un "A Man Escaped".

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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