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Nu ja, es jau sen saku. [Feb. 2nd, 2024|05:44 pm]
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Date:February 2nd, 2024 - 06:13 pm
Jā, nez kāpēc brīvā tirgus piekritēji negrib paši maksāt par savu dzīvesveidu! Šis ir sākums, bet vajadzētu arī vēl nodokļus, kas ņem vērā reālo ietekmi uz vidi.

Re kur optimistisks skatījums:

“It’s kind of magical, actually,” Patrick Brown said Nov. 4 at WebSummit in Lisbon. “If there were a carbon market, and a ton of carbon dioxide was priced at $50, almost everyone who’s in the animal-agriculture industry could make much more money by getting rid of their cows, getting rid of their livestock, and allowing the biomass to recover on their land.”

Šobrīd CO2 nodoklis Latvijā nomināli ir 15 eur/tonnu, vācijā 30 eur/tonnu, Zviedrijā jau 115 eur/tonnu. Mehānisma kā uz savas zemes izaudzēt mežu, un tad saņemt šo naudiņu kabatā gan šobrīd, manuprāt, nav.
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Date:February 2nd, 2024 - 07:22 pm
“It’s kind of magical, actually,” Patrick Brown said Nov. 4 at WebSummit in Lisbon. “If there were a carbon market, and a ton of carbon dioxide was priced at $50, almost everyone who’s in the animal-agriculture industry could make much more money by getting rid of their cows, getting rid of their livestock, and allowing the biomass to recover on their land.”

"but bacon tho" (c)
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Date:February 2nd, 2024 - 11:06 pm
Nevajag nodokļus, vajag atomelektrostacijas.