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Es parastās saldētās sojas pupās baigi vīlos, nekas īpašs. Bet kāpēc te nav izdalīta sojas mērce? Neticu, ka tik mazs procents sanāk :D
![[User Picture]]( | From: | ctulhu |
Date: | February 25th, 2021 - 10:10 pm |
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Nu pareizi baroja soju lopiem, pēc tam paši ēdam lopus.
![[User Picture]]( | From: | zazis |
Date: | February 26th, 2021 - 01:25 pm |
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nē, tas ir ļoti nepareizi. tev nesaprast.
![[User Picture]]( | From: | ctulhu |
Date: | February 26th, 2021 - 01:27 pm |
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Nē a kas es to soju pa taisno ēdīšu? Nu tikpat labi tu man vari piedāvāt silosu u.c. lopbarības veidus pa taisno :D
![[User Picture]]( | From: | zazis |
Date: | February 26th, 2021 - 01:30 pm |
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tak teicu, ka tev nesaprast. kkas kkur, acīmredzot, pietrūkst. rekomendēju pat necensties.
![[User Picture]]( | From: | ctulhu |
Date: | February 26th, 2021 - 01:39 pm |
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Say No To Soy
What is very concerning to me about a vegan diet is the huge amount of processed soy products that many vegans rely on for protein. Soy is incredibly unhealthy.
Soy can cause infertility, malabsorption of nutrients, and digestive and gut problems among other things. Eating soy increases your body’s need for vitamins and nutrients including vitamin B12, something non-meat eaters are often deficient in.
Also, there are other food products out there that are vegan but definitely NOT healthy. Here’s a list of just a few of the junk food that is vegan.
![[User Picture]]( | From: | zazis |
Date: | February 26th, 2021 - 01:46 pm |
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nevajag ēst sūdu, okej. nekādu vegānu, nevegānu. junks ir junks. un kā jau augstāk teicu, atslābsti, tev nesaprast.
tāpat droši vari nespamot savu carnivoru bulšitu, ok?
![[User Picture]]( | From: | ctulhu |
Date: | February 26th, 2021 - 01:39 pm |
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![[User Picture]]( | From: | zazis |
Date: | February 26th, 2021 - 01:50 pm |
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"Mindy Wood is the founder of Our Inspired Roots, the place to go for inspiration and instruction on homesteading and natural living for better health. Learn to grow and cook healthy food and rely more on natural medicine and remedies."
izklausās ritīgi zinātniski.
![[User Picture]]( | From: | zazis |
Date: | February 26th, 2021 - 02:27 pm |
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un ja vēl tu mācētu lasīt komentārus
"In response to your first reason for not being vegan: There have been several studies comparing vegetarian diets to a whole foods (Mediterranean type) diet and the vegetarian diet has always fared better. The Blue Zones, where people live the longest and healthiest, all follow a largely plant-based diet. We have a blue zone right in the US and that is in Loma Linda, California which has the highest concentration of Seventh Day Adventists. The USDA has also come out with their new 2015 guidelines which call for a reduction of meat consumption and an increase in plant-based foods–because Americans are consuming too much animal products. The saturated fats and cholesterol found in animal products are responsible for heart disease being the leading killer in the US.! Populations that are the healthiest are not necessarily vegetarian, but do consume much lower amounts of animal products than the US where meat is always the main course. Also, your facts about soy are flat out incorrect. Asians have been consuming diets high in soy products for hundreds of years and they remain far healthier than typical western diets. All of the recent vilification of soy is nothing more than a myth.
In response to the second: I see no morally valid reason to kill an animal (not an insect) for no real reason other than for greed or desire. When food is plentiful there is no reason to have to kill anything intentionally. Yes, small animals and insects may be killed during certain farming practices because we do need to eat, but this should not justify raising and slaughtering an animal when there are plenty of other food sources available. Also, you fail to realize that all domesticated chickens ( the ones living in your yard) have been genetically manipulated to grow larger, faster, and overproduce. Chickens in the wild fly and remain in wooded areas to escape predators. No animal in their non-domesticated state relies on humans for survival.. this is something we have created. Also, chickens in the wild produce just 10-15 eggs per year and during mating seasons only compared to the hundreds produced continually by domesticated chickens. There is nothing natural about this process and the ideal things to do would be the feed the eggs back to the hens so that they may replenish some of the nutrients lost by this constant, unnatural reproduction of eggs.
Your third: Land is being cleared constantly for cattle to feed the American meat addiction. There is nothing remotely natural about eating giant portions of meat three times a day, along with copious amounts of other animal products. And there is no denying the reality that animals take up much more space than plants, require a lot more resources, and produce a lot more waste. There would be no fields of corn and soy without meat production because they exist only to feed the factory farm industries. Even the UN has said that many of our current environmental problems are related to the animal farming industry. Yes, backyard farming is a better alternative to large scale production.. but either way that means cutting down meat consumption. The problems we face now is that there is just not enough land to meet the western demand for meat. Factory farms were the result of this. Even people like Bill Gates, who is not a vegetarian himself, realizes this is not sustainable on any level and has invested billions in start-up companies (like Hampton Creek) who are producing plant-based alternatives to animal products." | |