Yuna ([info]yuna) rakstīja,
@ 2004-07-14 11:58:00

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tuuliit taadu textu ierakstiishu, ka draugi padomaas, ka galiigi jukusi: ES NEBRAUCU UZ SPAANIJU, kaut gan biljete ir jau braucu uz stokholmu un no stokenes LIDOJU UZ viss ir viirieshu deelj!!!!viss vienmeer kaveejas vai izgaazhas tikai vinju delj!!:))

-hei sweety, r u sleeping??
-have u bought ticket??
-well, not yet..have u??
-o ye!!:)but ive got MAD WAW tic
-how d u plan 2 get to MAD?
-[klusums,ilgstosh]well, NO
-[KLUSUMS, ILGSTOSH]what does NO mean?
-i mean thet hitchiking is a bad idea..
-[klusums, ilgstosh]i think i'll miss u if smth wrong..
-[klusums, ilgstosh]wnted to say: r u going to decide for me, but then understood how sily it would sound..OK, what then?
-r u mad on me??
-but i just worry about u..a little..
-oh realy??
-realy realy
-[klusums] :))))
-r u gona talk to me?
-ok. then what d u think about going to stockholm-spend sm days there and then to fly to london?
-hey, it is a PHONE!!u must talk to me!!!:)
-what is ok?
-let it be london..

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