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21. Maijs 2004

 wowow@09:59 - Progresa virzītājspēki

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dienasgramata / 21. Maijs 2004@10:26
Anyway, I was in Israel as a kind of cultural ambassador and there were lots of press conferences scheduled around the performances. The journalists usually started things off by asking about the avant-garde.
— So, what’s so good about new? they’d ask.

— Well, new is… interesting.

— And what, they would say, is so good about interesting?

— Well, interesting is, you know… it’s… interesting. It’s like… being awake, you know, I’m treading water now.

— And what is so good about being awake? they’d say.

Finally I got the hang of this: never answer a question in Israel, always answer by asking another question.

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wowow / 21. Maijs 2004@11:24
Jā, es vispār gribēju prasīt vai gadījumā neesi ebrejs :))
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teeja / 21. Maijs 2004@16:02
ir ir.

kā es sev graužu nagus šodien oijomajo :)) tu zaudēji šķīstību un es tur nebiju klāt :))
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wowow / 21. Maijs 2004@16:12
Hehe, mums vēl viss priekšā. Varbūt sanāks pat vēl intīmāk, zinies :))
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