- 2018.08.08, 15:27
- Norvēgijas viens no galvenajiem bērnu atņemšanas Barnevernet psihiatrijas ekspertiem izrādās pedofīls. Bērnus no ģimenēm ārā, pedofīlijas tīklos - iekšā!
"The experts’ report – based on information from many health and childcare professionals as well as their own observations – concluded that the little girl’s “development would be limited” if she remained with her mother.
The report said: “This is because the mother does not recognise her daughter’s basic needs and does not perceive the mental harm she may have suffered” while in her mother’s care. ".
"'Guilty of being poor': does California couple's poverty amount to child abuse?
Three children were found living in a plywood box, but friends defend their parents as good people who fell on hard time"
Kalifornijā atņem bērnus jo vecāki ir pārāk nabadzīgi. "Materiālā vardarbība", laikam to nosauks - ja vecāki nespēj bērniem dot visu dēļ savas nabadzības. - 2 rakstair doma