Заметки алкоголика и придурка


7.4.24 16:53 - šoreiz bez jokiem

6.4.24 13:54

Ja žīdiem būtu tāda iespēja, viņi apliktu ar nodokļiem naudas aizdošanu draugu (goju) starpā bez procentiem. Viņiem būtu tāda iespēja ar centralizētu 100% digitalizētu valūtu.

4.4.24 21:41

Kā jau paredzēju, Boris the Pedo Jew izdzēsa komentu, par komentu kurā viņi (abi uber draudzīgie žīdi) apdirš mani, tāpēc šeit izdzēstā atbilde:

Man vienīgā piezīme ir par to cik Boris ļoti baidās un sāk psihot, kad sāk just nekomfortablu elpu uz pleca ar šādiem "humoristiskiem" ierakstiem, citādi jau nedzēstu pilnīgi normālu (priekš sevis) ierakstu. Viņš vispār te unikāls ar regulāru savu ierakstu vai postu dzēšanu kā savā tā citu cibās. It's afraid jeb suns zina, ko ēdis lmao.

3.4.24 06:43

[info]ctulhu the Jew te izdzēsa vienu jauku paša izprovocētu tredu. Atradu par iespēju izkopēt manu atbildi viņam uz jau pierasto savu slimīgo tieksmju projekcijām pret viņa sitamo vistu (to, ko sit pret stender'), Mapatu.
Tur viņš uzrakstīja vismaz kādu tūkstošo postu par to cik svarīga ir SK un "seksuālā bērnu edjakulācija" visu vecuma grupu iestādēs, kā to nosaka SK.

Atkārtojot šos melus simto reizi tie kļūst tikai vēl melīgāki un tu par vēl lielāku pretekli. Mēs visi labi zinām kas tā par "izglītību" no empīriskiem piemēriem Sk un citu pederastu direktīvu mīlošās valstīs. Pieauguši pediņi, kas snaikstās gar svešiem bērniem jau pirmsskolas iestādēs, lai mācītu viņiem par pederastijas, dzimuma maiņas labumiem, pieradinātu pie savas klātbūtnes groteskākajos veidos (drag queen šovi) un onanēšanas kursi no sešu gadu vecuma.
Tava motivācija ar putām uz lūpām šim aģitējam par labu ir nepārprotama.

Interesanti kāpēc šim žīdu tautības Borisam ir tik nepārvarama tieksme aizstāvēt šo woke/progresīvistu atzaru, lai gan pats dievojas, ka neesam viņējais. Kāda tam varētu būt motivācija. Aimīn, kādi pozitīvi efekti no šādas "izglītības", kas tiek forsēta uz visu vecuma grupu bērniem varētu būt, ja vien netaisies savos pirmspensijas gados iekārtoties par cienījamu ķīmijas učuku kādā random pamatskolā, kur jau pirmsskolas vecuma bērni iedresēti, ka ir okej sēdēt klēpī svešam vecam onklulim, kurš stāsta tev kā forši var paripināt savu pīpī. Nē nu varbūt ir kādi cēli, ideālistiski iemesli, kurus mans working class mainds nesaprot.

23.3.24 11:37

"Askaneli" breņģiks piecgadīgais laikam ir labākā manta, kas jebkad dzerta un no viņa pat paģiru īstenu nav. Aromāts maigs un neuzmācīgs, nekāda spirķagas asuma vispār. Kā nostiprināts vīns ar bagātu, garšīgu, bet vienkāršu buķeti. Šobrīd alkaškā pa čiriku dod. Izķer, ko var.

17.3.24 16:45

17.3.24 15:52

17.3.24 15:45

Japāņi zina, tāpēc pie viņiem (((globohomo))) neiet cauri.

15.3.24 20:31

Kāpēc Eiropas valstu valdības pa šiem desmitiem gadu nav izslepkavojušas desmitiem tūkstošu musulmaņu un nēģeru, starp kuriem nemitīgi slēpjas teroristi, kas ar dažādu regularitāti un upuru skaitu slepkavo vietējos iedzīvotājus pašu zemēs?

10.3.24 23:59

7.3.24 23:45 - (((Western values)))

A guy was sentenced to two years in prison, for posting stickers saying:

The reasoning behind giving this guy a harsher sentence than a rape gang?


The real issue is that you will be arrested for voicing any opinion to the right of Rishi Sunak. It's as simple as that, in a way; right-wing campaigning is outlawed, and left-wing isnt. You will not be arrested for voicing any opinion to the left of Kier Starmer. You will be arrested for meeting or organising in any political way, while being white. A black, feminist, Islamist, or whatever, may organise however they want. The furthest right acceptable position to hold is that of a conservative like Roger Scruton, and even then, only in theorycel. The left is fully allowed to organise. You may meet, talk about, or sympathise with Karl Marx or Vladimir Lenin or Mao Tze Tung without fear of arrest. The Islamists are allowed to organise, fund themselves, use foreign money, support banned organisations, or whatever. You cannot however voice any genunely right-wing opinion, or discuss the real radical theories. Anti-modernist opinion, anti-feminist opinion, anti-consumerist opinion, whatever. You cannot meet to discuss Julius Evola or Jonathan Bowden.

So the issue is that Socialists, or Labour supporters, or Critical Theorists, or Globalists, can stay "in touch" with their radical, inspirational, firey, motivational side. They can have radical Marxist fire under their feet, or Black Nationalism, or Islamism. The right is utterly cut off from any radical fire, by their own police forces, intelligence agencies, etc. Conservatives have to actively fight their own radicals on behalf of the enemy. They have to blue-ball themselves. People like Rene Guenon, Julius Evola, Jonathan Bowden, or whoever, are the right's Karl Marx, Michel Foucault or Herbert Marcuse, but they can't spiritually engage with them - only Edmund Burke or Roger Scruton.

What is the solution? I don't know, but I would say people need to find ways around this organisational problem. Make sports clubs, the way Japanese and Chinese nationalists had to come up with bullshit like the White Lotus Society to fight Mongol or Manchu occupation. Anglicanism is basically English Shinto. Maybe just go into empty Churches and take them over, as meeting places, under the guide of 'history groups'. Form sports clubs, use euphemistic language. Make wargaming clubs. I dunno, that's one part of the problem.

Ejam atpakaļ uz samizdatu, brīvo evropu īsajos viļņos utml., jo sovoks ir sovoks.

7.3.24 06:39


New climate scams from Swedish municipalities revealed: "Electric buses are charged every night with diesel generators in secret from the public"
Published at 07:00

A new climate scam with electric buses is now being rolled out, this time in Gävle and Sandviken. In secret, the electric buses are charged with generators that run on dirty diesel. The important thing is not the climate impact in itself, but that it looks like the travelers are traveling climate smart, according to the bus company's management.

X-trafik in Gävle and Sandviken is just one of many bus companies in Sweden that have invested heavily in electric buses to signal climate awareness. And like most who have done this, it has hit travelers when it turns out that the technology comes with serious childhood illnesses that have resulted in canceled tours, freezing buses and high costs to taxpayers for buses that cannot be used.

X-trafik's purchase of 52 expensive electric buses has been labeled a "fiasco" in the media reporting, with hundreds of trips canceled as a result of technical problems, which Samnytt reported on earlier.

One thing that those responsible for the purchases did not think about is that electric buses need to be charged. In Gävle and Sandviken there are far from enough sockets where you can plug in the electrical plug. And even if such were to be installed, the electrical infrastructure in the cities is not designed for the purpose.

The solution: Charge with diesel
But now X-trafik's management has come up with a solution. Electric generators have been purchased to charge the buses. However, these are powered by dirty diesel, with the result that the climate-friendly effect is not achieved.

The dirty loading has taken place in secret, without the travelers' knowledge. This until now when the scam is revealed by Gefle Dagblad.

If X-trafik instead chose to purchase traditional diesel-powered buses, the climate effect would have been the same, but with the difference that all technical problems, canceled tours and extra costs for purchasing diesel generators to charge the buses were avoided.

Important to signal climate awareness
At X-trafik, however, they do not think this is a big problem. The most important thing is not the climate impact in itself, they reason, but that the company signals climate awareness outwardly and that travelers "get their rides" with buses that they believe contribute to saving the climate.

It is also hoped to get more charging capacity in place in the not-too-distant future so that the diesel units can be phased out, but it is "not something that can be done in the blink of an eye", they state. Those responsible do not want to report the cost of this.

- "Of course there have been extra costs, I don't want to comment on any sums!", says Fredrik Beckius, business manager for the operator Transdev Sverige AB, which is responsible for the electric bus operation.


5.3.24 20:16 - Simbolisms ir mūsu viss

Interesants kanāls, kas holistiski apskata simbolus, mitoloģiju, kosmogoniju, teogoniju kopskatā gan ar metafizisko tā mūsu zemisko vēsturi un fenomeniem.

Кыштымский Карлик

4.3.24 20:10

3.3.24 13:32 - "Rietumu vērtības" = totalitārisms un vietējo tautu genocīds


2.3.24 12:56

Maigs atgādinājums, ka Izraēla dažu mēnešu laikā noslepkavojusi vairāk civiliedzīvotāju, nekā gājuši bojā pa šiem diviem gadiem Rus-Ukr karā.

29.2.24 23:43

29.2.24 20:30

Ņirdzīgi kā, ja Ždanoka dzīvotu Krievijā, viņa neieredzētu krievus un Krieviju, vēlētos Putinu nost un Jeļcinu 2.0 virsū. Bet tā kā viņai un viņas "Krievu Partijas" boļševiku kamerādiem nākas dzīvot Latvijā, tad viņa uzreiz kļūst par krievu un Krievijas čempioni, lai tikai ieriebtu vietējiem 'naciķiem'. The way of the jew.
Ne velti mūsu pašu cibas ultražīds, Boris The Ctulhu, vienmēr tik ļoti silti atsaucās par visām iespējamajām politiskajām aspirācijām, kuras viņa šeit desmitgadēm propagandēja, protams, nesaucot vārdus. Divvalodība, krievu tiesības, monumentu saglabāšana, 'hahaha krievi nāk, nujau nujau, ko tik naciķi nefantazē'. Tas pats attiecas uz daudziem citiem cibiņiem un vispār "latviešiem", kas nesen apmeta kažoku otrādi pēc (((Vašingtonas))) sviples.

28.2.24 21:40

Israel has only a few decades of existence left. Jews have tried to juggle too many plates, have indulged in a chutzpah too far. Israel depends on the US to guarantee its existence, but Left-wing Jews in the US (and the West generally) have undermined the foundations of the race and civilization that sustained the very industrial and military might Jews in Israel were relying on. The US and the West generally, are finished, Jewish elites have killed them, killed their own golem - out of nothing more than sheer runaway spite that one bunch of goyim dared to stand up to them in the 1930s.

But with the US and the West goes Israel. The guttering torch of European civilization will be passed on to Eastern Europe and Russia, as Herder predicted, but (barring some miraculous turnaround) Western Europe and its US offspring have already been destroyed by the Jews. Places like the UK and France will be outposts of Islam, and much of the US will return to nature, full of niggers running around with bonespikes in their noses and plates in their lips. There will be nobody left to support Israel, it will be on its own. IOW, the Jewish elite, the Jewish race, has shot itself in the foot; and especially with this recent mask-off moment, this time it's the whole world that hates them.

It was always right that the Jews should have a homeland, should come to their senses and understand what having and keeping a nation means. That aspect of the Zionist dream was always correct. A "New Israel" in somewhere like Madagascar would have been perfect, a paradise. But the idea that it should have been that piece of land, Palestine, was just delusional 2,000 year old revanchism based on musty old religious texts. It's quite insane and couldn't possibly last, since Palestinians have all the justice on their side, and Israelis none.

28.2.24 20:38 - Cthulhu in a nustshell

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