- 2014.10.24, 10:22
- Pie jautājuma, ka varētu strādāt (neiet pensijā) līdz pat nāvei.
"I have a hard time recognizing that I’m 84, almost 85. I’m in complete denial, which I think is extremely useful. Of course from time to time I allow myself to be aware of it, but it’s not something that I dwell on. I like working. I work very intensely."
"my friends are either dead or are still working."
"scientists [...] looked at more than 4,000 subjects over two decades and found that men who were bald when they joined the study were more likely to develop prostate cancer than men who kept their hair. The researchers couldn’t be sure what explained the link, though they suspected that androgens (male hormones including testosterone) could be affecting both scalp and prostate. Langer had another theory: “Baldness is a cue for old age,” she says. “Therefore, men who go bald early in life may perceive themselves as older and may consequently be expected to age more quickly.” And those expectations may actually lead them to experience the effects of aging." - 11 rakstair doma
- 24.10.14 16:19 #
Es arī netaisos brīvprātīgi iet pensijā. Man tas vienmēr licies stulbi, ka tu ziedo savu dzīvi, smagi roc un daudz ko atsaki sev dzīvē, būdams jauns un veselīgs, tikai tāpēc, lai nodrošinātu vecumdienas. Bet vecumā tu būsi pusklibs, puskurls vai citādi vienaldzīgs pret dzīves jaukumiem.
Labāk darīt to, kas patīk jau šodien, un vienīgais pacensties, lai arī vecumā varētu darīt kaut ko interesantu, ne tikai grāvjus rakt. Man šķiet, ka pat tie pensionāri, kas rušinās pa dārzu, ir laimīgāki par tiem, kas ir bagāti, bet ir spiesti sēdēt ratiņkrēslā un dumji kūkot. Katram var tā gadīties, bet labāk rakt, kamēr vari, un mirt jaunam. - Atbildēt