Faith Club
Faith Club
- 2008.02.27, 20:44
- Tātad, kas notiek, kad ekonomika aiziet pa pipelēm (+saīsināta versija)? Pateicoties Argentīnas piemēram (kur 2001. gada beigās ekonomika sabruka), mēs zinām kas.
Anarhisti priecājas par to, kā SVF un World Bank tiek parādīta piga, bet cilvēks uz vietas raksta šādi:
The best alarm system anyone can have in a farm are dogs. But dogs can get killed and poisoned. A friend of mine had all four dogs poisoned on his farm one night, they all died.
After all these years I learned that even though the person that lives out in the country is safer when it comes to small time robberies, that same person is more exposed to extremely violent home robberies. Criminals know that they are isolated and their feeling of invulnerability is boosted. When they assault a country home or farm, they will usually stay there for hours or days torturing the owners. I heard it all: women and children getting raped, people tied to the beds and tortured with electricity, beatings, burned with acetylene torches.
Big cities aren’t much safer for the survivalist that decides to stay in the city. He will have to face express kidnappings, robberies, and pretty much risking getting shot for what’s in his pockets or even his clothes.
13 rakstair doma
27.2.08 22:32 #