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[Oct. 9th, 2008|03:36 pm]
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[music |Leonard Cohen / 10-First We Take Manhattan By R.E.M]

Psc. Ir cilvēki, kuri ir pelnījuši mirt dēļ viena vienīga maila.

Thank you for being interested in our City Apartments. They are like a little oasis in the historic city center (1. district) at the Palais Brambilla, there is a fine mediterraean restaurant and a medical spa (il piacere) right in our house. Lots of sights, boutiques and restaurants are within walking distance.

Unfortunately all of them are already booked within the time you are looking for.
linkiet garām

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Date:October 9th, 2008 - 01:37 pm
pipec tiešām
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Date:October 9th, 2008 - 01:39 pm
Viņi patiesi jauki māk salauzt cilvēkiem sirdi. Varu derēt, ka viņiem ir kāds ssssihologs piepalīdzējis, ar domu - kā labāk sāpināt cilvēkus, atsakot viņiem? :)
Date:October 9th, 2008 - 03:42 pm
:D :D