Nebīsties nakts, jo tai ir jau rītausma seglos ([info]prtg) rakstīja,
fufelis. ar 100% optional atbildēm dabūju

Sickness Quotient: 69%
Hmmm, your Sickness Quotient of 69% is a little worriesome.

Detailed Diagnosis

Interpersonal Insights
Everyone likes you. This is because your life is such a mess that everyone else is relieved they aren't you. You complain about everything regardless of what it is. You wouldn't be happy even if you were hit by a new car.

Job Performance & Attitude
Your work is of such poor quality that your manager is considering replacing you with a machine that flushes. You frequently mention terms like "core competencies" and "paradigm shifts" while at work. Stop acting like such a tool.

Personality Insight
Your personal motto is "Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better." You must not have been saying this for very long.

Diezgan patiesi, kaut arī to pašu varētu teikt par pusi no tiem cilvēkiem, kurus pazīstu :)

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