Darbs ar cilvēku. Part 3. Turpinām risināt Pribludas A problēmu.
Hi, Name_Name,
Hereby I'm sending you the Business Process document for Pribluda_A.
There are certain clarifications required for the sections clearly marked with yellow highlight.
Please, send me your comments in written form by EOB The_Day.
Hi, Vedjmah,
I'm not sure how the attached solves our problem on the Pribluda_A inbound data feed.
My suggestion and it is included in my comments on the BP document is that we need to initially either do thing_1 or thing_2.
Could it be a solution to our problem and I will close your action item assigend to me?
Hi, Name_Name,
It's hard to comment on your suggestions because I haven't received any yet.
May be you forgot to attach file to original email?
Hi, Vedjmah,
No, I did it on purpose. Comments are not finished yet.
Hi, Name_Name,
Hereby I'm sending you the Business Process document for Pribluda_A.
There are certain clarifications required for the sections clearly marked with yellow highlight.
Please, send me your comments in written form by EOB The_Day.
Hi, Vedjmah,
I'm not sure how the attached solves our problem on the Pribluda_A inbound data feed.
My suggestion and it is included in my comments on the BP document is that we need to initially either do thing_1 or thing_2.
Could it be a solution to our problem and I will close your action item assigend to me?
Hi, Name_Name,
It's hard to comment on your suggestions because I haven't received any yet.
May be you forgot to attach file to original email?
Hi, Vedjmah,
No, I did it on purpose. Comments are not finished yet.
forgot to attach the file on purpose o.O
hereby es apņemos ieviest šo teicienu tirgū :D
Te NYC gan tas neko nenozīmē. Šī ir viena no visliberālākajām vietām pasaulē attiecībā pret viendzimuma attiecībām :)
sazvērestības teorijas
tik aizkustinoši loģiskus aloģismus var dabūt gatavus tikai sieviete: "es visus savus argumentus gari un plaši esmu izklāstījusi un pamatojusi dokumentam pievienotajā dokumentā, kuru es ar nolūku aizmirsu pievienot, jo vēl neesmu pabeigusi argumentu izklāstu, turklāt, lai gan man nav skaidrs, kā tavs šitas atrisinās mūsu mazo problēmiņu *blank-out wink*, mums pilnīgi noteikti jādara vai nu tas, vai šis, un, kā tev šķiet - vai tad mēs varēsim šķirties kā draugi..(pirms tam plaši izdiskutējot, kuru risinājumu izvēlēties - to vai šo - pēc tam, kad būs pabeigts un aizsūtīts ar nolūku pievienotaizmirstais nepabeigtais komentārs, bet tas nav obligāti)?
ideāla flirta shēma - kāja durvīs :D
Re: sazvērestības teorijas
Vēl jauki ir tas, ka saskaņā ar iekšējo uzvedības etiķeti, man ir jānotur PārskataMītiņš, balstoties uz visiem viņu iesniegtajiem komentāriem. No 9 personām man ir 2 atbildes. 1 - Man nav komentāru, bet otra - šī. Ka komenti ir, bet viņu tomēr nav. Prognozētais Mtg garums 3 stundas. Būs kaifs.
Re: sazvērestības teorijas