Garastāvoklis: | impressed |
Mūzika: | AC/DC - For Those About To Rock |
Nu vo, esmu laimiigi izlaidies no Rv1g, tas ir 1. 1. ir pozitiiva lieta.
Trincstoka shogad nebuus, tas ir 2. 2. ir negatiiva lieta.
Bet principaa izlaidums nezheeliigi ierulleeja, uz divaam lietaam gan es nesanjeemos, bet nu tas taa, nebojaa kopeejo bildi :]
Mlin, pa pagaajushaam 2 sutkaam esmu guleejis 4 h un neizskataas ka kaukad tuveejo 2 dienu laikaa dabuushu paguleet --> zombies filled with booze incoming :]
Apdeic nr. 1
Paseedeeju quizillaa, kaadu _laicinju_, sapratu ka pietiek, kad man pateica ka es resembloju Ariel the Mermaid :p

LOVE is your chinese symbol!
What Chinese Symbol Are You?
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your asshole.
What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
The Withered Lover
What sign of the Black Zodiac are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

what's YOUR deepest secret?
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You are Psychic!
What's Your Magic Power?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Bob Marley!
Who are you?
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You come from the Ocean. You've always been drawn
to the sea, the sound of the waves, the crystal
blue water, near the sea is where you belong.
Where Did Your Soul Originate?
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Exhibitionist movie! You'd get off on letting
ANYONE and EVERYONE watch you have sex...even
small children, you sick sonofabitch! Kinky is
your middle name.
What kind of porno would you star in?
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Harmony and balance is key. You don't look at the
world in a negative or positive way and you'll
never judge or assume a situation- you just
look at the facts. People like you are peaceful
and accepting.
Made by
What color do you see the world in?
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You'd shoot them
How would you kill someone
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you're a bro!
How can I label you?
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You are Beast!
You are brilliant and extremely clever. You can
handle almost any problem swiftly and
efficiently. You are devoted to philosophy and
are always up for a good discussion.
Sometimes, though, your anger gets the best of
you and you upset those whom you care about.
Which X-Men character are you most like?
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What's YOUR sexual fetish?
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You're the smirk,a frown-smile hybrid that's a
little bit cocky and usually associated with
evil or arrogant,but attractive people.You
probably just don't give a damn,but it's
everyone else's fault if you don't because
you're too awesome to have any real faults.
What Kind of Smile are You?
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You are Rap and R 'n' B, man.
What type of music are you?
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Blue Eyes
What Color Eyes Should You Have?
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Yo yo, what it is Dawg. You are the typical
GANGSTA' from the hood. Word. Put down that
piece and take off the bandana unless you want
to be shot in a gang war. People fear and
respect you in school, but they'll laugh at you
once they graduate and you're in jail.
What kind of typical high school character from a movie are you?
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You're A Bishounen (Attractive Young Male)!
You hunk, you. All the girls want your body! You
have a cool car, and a way with words. You
know exactly how to get what you want.
What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
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Young. Really young. I'd say anywhere from 15-35.
But you'll go out with a bang. You'll get in a
car accident or be shot. You'll never have to
see yourself get old. Sad though. Really sad.
By the way, its common knowledge that more
people with great goals and aspirations die
young. And if you want to die old, you'll die
young and vice versa.
At what age will you die?
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You kill and eat little children, and probably
molest their corpses.
You're not trying
hard enough, though, because there's still
plenty of assholes in the world! You might go
to Heaven if you can thin the herd a bit. The
Lord hates fuckers hanging around and messing
up His Creation, after all. HOP TO
Why Will You Go To Hell?
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South Africa -
A very cultural nation with many modern-day
strifes. Infested with crime, disease, and
political strife, it faces a constant uphill
Aiming for Change.
Global Support.
Very Unique Culture.
Crime and Political Strife Rampant.
Under Constant Scrutiny.
Very Hot.
Which Country of the World are You?
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Your soft drink is Sprite! Your artsy and creative.
Your an indivudial and like people. Your also
pretty outgoing.
What soft drink are you?
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What martial art are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
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