ю ([info]ttp) rakstīja,
from wiki:

The Kite Runner has been accused of hindering Western understanding of the Taliban by portraying Taliban members as representatives of various Western myths of evil (see Assef's Pedophilia, Nazism, drug abuse and sadism, and the fact that he is an executioner).[13]

Afghanistan's Ministry of Culture banned the film from distribution in cinemas or DVD stores, citing the possibility that the movie's ethnically charged rape scene could incite racial violence within Afghanistan. [15]

pievienojos šim, un patreiz lasu to otro grāmatu un ko tādu uz ekrāniem es negribu redzēt, tad jau labāk skatīties brainless slog movies, nevis, we all gonna die for our sins, motherfuckers.

the schocking wave is over

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