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@ 2007-06-28 17:38:00

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love is like a machine gun, it goes trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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Nobody Needs To Know

"Ya know, some words sound like what they mean, like 'broke'. Broke sounds like something that's not working. And when you're broke, usually you're not working."

Un tad kad atskanēja Frusciantes dziesma "Estrus" no albuma Smile from the streets you hold, vispār parādījās milzusmaids.
Filma pieejama par brīvu, vairāk info: http://www.nobodyneedstoknow.com/ vai uzreiz Azareus var nolādēt!

A: What am I doing before dying?
B: You, You are suffering.

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