Galma Āksts ([info]torch) rakstīja,
@ 2010-07-15 22:10:00

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Re ku solītais izraksts no Čaka Palaņjuka grāmatas "Rant"

Neddy Nelson: Are you aware that, before his gruesome experiments on Auschwitz concentration-camp prisoners, Dr Josef Mengele had been a well-respected anthropologist? Did you know Mengele had travelled through Africa, collecting human blood and viral samples? That his lifelong dream had been to identify factors that proved a difference between the blood of different races? Then to create a race-specific plague?
Did you know that much of Mengele's findings came to the United States as part of Project Paperclip, where CIA granted pardons and gave new identities to Nazi scientists if they agreed to share Mengele's research?
Neddy Nelson: Have you read that Kissinger report he's supposed to have submitted to the National Security Council in 1974? The one where Henry Kissinger warns that the greatest threat to the future of Americans is overpopulation in Third World countries? How's it go? We need the minerals and natural resources of Africa? Pretty quick now, those banana republics will fall apart as their populations rise too high? The only way America can protect its prosperity and political stability will be to depopulate this Third World?
Should we be surprised that the AIDS virus showed up about 1975?
Do you understand what the term “depopulate” means?
Neddy Nelson: How do you explain this – the first explosion of AIDS infections in Africa started in missionary hospitals where Christian volunteers reused the same needles to vaccinate local kids against smallpox and diphtheria? Does that sound familiar? Could be millions of kids. Doesn't this explain how, between 1976 and 1980, the infection curve rose from 0.7 percent to 40 percent in some parts of West Africa?
Does that scenario make you want to rush out to any public clinic and stand in line for a free vaccination of anything?
Neddy Nelson: Doesn't it seem weird that a government report recommends depopulating Africa, and by the end of the twentieth century entire generations were dying? Isn't it suspicious how former European colonies with rich natural resources, stuff like gold and diamonds, countries like Botswana, Zimbabwe, and South Africa, were most hard hit by the AIDS epidemic?

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