elvīra ([info]terenc) rakstīja,
@ 2004-08-12 14:58:00

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Waiting for a call, anything from you
Sitting outside, looking in to the stars
Thinking about you, searching for answers
Do you feel the same, as I feel for you
With tears in my eyes I am praying
Praying for something or maybe nothing

I'm screaming in to the sky
Cause I have a feeling that has no end
Crying without tears in my eyes
Cause I love you, but do you love me to
Questions they are more than I can count
And all of them is starting with why

Feeling that has no end
Is killing me, yes is killing me
Emotions are taking me high
But they are too bad, they are so bad
Love, what I could give to you
Is more than anything, more then everything
I'm screaming in to the sky
Cause I have feelings that has no end

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