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07:25 pm: intervija ar iedomātu vidējo rakstnieku vai dzejnieku
vārdu sakot viss, ko es arī par viņiem domāju

Q. why did you let gordon lish delete that sentence?
A. because gordon lish is respected and i trust him and i think it made the story better
Q. what do you mean by 'better'?
A. the story used to be bad, now it's good, i think
Q. what do you mean by 'bad' and 'good'?
A. gordon lish says the story is good now but was bad before; and i agree; when i read it now i feel something at the end whereas before i felt nothing
Q. why do you want to write stories that make people feel things?
A. because that is the point of art
Q. schopenhauer said something like: art can induce momentary transcendence of the world of phenomenon (by somehow dissolving 'identity,' or something like that), is that what you mean by 'make people feel things,' the point of art?
A. yes, maybe that's what i mean
Q. so when you said 'good' you meant 'effective for destroying identity'?
A. i haven't thought about it, i've been using the word 'good' for forty years, reading it in the new york times book review, looking at people point at art and say 'good' or 'bad'
Q. what are you doing tonight?
A. working on a story, making it good, i'd like to get published by missouri review
Q. why would you like that?
A. i think you need that to get a literary agent
Q. why do you want to write 'good' stories?
A. so i can publish a book someday
Q. why do you want to publish a book?
A. many reasons
Q. name 5
A. i want to be respected, i'm bored, women will like me more, i'll have more sex, people won't think i'm stupid
Q. those all have to do with identity and desire; why do you want to write stories that induce moments of pre-identity and pre-desire if your life is about trying to distinguish/strengthen identity in order to fulfill desires easier?
A. you don't make sense to me; you're trying to provoke me but i'm just trying to be a better writer and write good stories and if someone can help me i'm going to be grateful for the favor, not be an asshole about it; i just want to be a good person and a better writer; stop fucking with me, stop thinking so hard
Q. isn't literature writing what you thought; isn't it 'thinking'
A. yes, but you are thinking too hard
Q. 'too' means i'm doing something 'wrong' which means you know what's 'right' which means you have a goal in life, so what is it?
A. not to think too hard
Q. are you involved in politics?
A. i hate george w bush
Q. does your writing contribute at all to those politics, to stopping bush?
A. no, art and politics are separate; art is about the mystery, politics is about reality
Q. is politics about reducing pain/suffering in the world?
A. yeah, i guess
Q. what's the cause of pain/suffering? desire?
A. getting hurt
Q. why do you want to publish a book? to reduce pain/suffering in the world? then how's art separate from politics
A. does everything i do have to be about reducing pain/suffering in the world?
Q. what's the difference between (1) not reducing pain/suffering in the world and reducing pain/suffering in the world and (2) causing pain/suffering in the world and not causing pain/suffering in the world?
A. they're different
Q. why do you read?
A. to be smarter, reading's good
Q. what do you mean by 'good'
A. makes me smarter

/no Tao Lin:


[User Picture]
Date:October 26th, 2015 - 08:44 pm
jāpiezīmē, ka arī viss, ko es domāju par vidusmēra intervētāju
[User Picture]
Date:October 27th, 2015 - 09:48 am
Vidējais intervētājs cenšas atmaskot rakstnieku ka viñš iet uz kompromisiem jo nav nekāds skaistuma un patiesíbas meklētājs bet tikai cenšas izpatikt pūlja gaumei lai dabūtu cepuminju?
[User Picture]
Date:October 27th, 2015 - 09:57 am
es ieliku to bloga ierakstu to-read listē

that said, imaginārā-intervētāja piegājiens "uzdot tādus jautājumus, lai otrs cilvēks izskatās pēc loša un es uz viņa fona izskatos reāli atjautīgs, un ne uz mirkli necensties, teiksim, empatizēt vai saprast otru cilvēku kā personību" arī ir diezgan tipisks un visnotaļ nepatīkams - it kā abiem iesaistītajiem nebūtu nekā labāka darāma ar šo laiku
[User Picture]
Date:October 27th, 2015 - 11:21 am
to sauc par sokratisko metodi :)
[User Picture]
Date:October 27th, 2015 - 11:40 am
Sokratiskās metodes mērķis taču pēc būtības ir nonākt pie jaunām zināšanām/atziņām, pabīdīt uz priekšu izpratni. Es neredzu, ka šeit kaut kas tāds būtu izdarīts (nu tb "šis konkrētais rakstnieks intervijā izpildās kā pilnīgs losis" varbūt ir smieklīga atziņa, bet figu tā dod vispārībai).

Nu tb man šķiet, ka nevar paņemt katru idiotisku sarunu, kurā viens uzdod nejēdzīgus/atkārtojošos jautājumus un paziņot, ka tā ir sokratiskā metode, citādi jau jebkurš pagalma kretīns iz sērijas "mobilais ir? bet ja atradīšu?" būtu filozofs :)
[User Picture]
Date:October 27th, 2015 - 09:50 am
Man liekas Tu vnk nesaprati par ko te ir stāsts, bet izlasi kas ir zem linka, derīga un kruta pārdomu viela raxtniekam
[User Picture]
Date:October 28th, 2015 - 09:13 am

bet jā, tik un tā nesapratu, "par ko ir stāsts", nu tb tas, ko es padomāju, noteikti nav tas, ko tu gribēji, lai es padomāju :)

nu tb 3 is used by people who believe art can reduce loneliness, that you can express yourself accurately, in a book, to someone else, who can receive the communication and want to be your friend and, upon meeting you, feel like they've met the creator of what they read, to a satisfying degree, since the art would represent only you (not '2 people' or '2 people plus 50 imaginary readers' or whatever)", protams, ir valīds iemesls, kāpēc rakstīt (da visi iemesli, kāpēc rakstīt, ir valīdi), bet tradicionālā izdevējdarbība nav paredzēta tam, lai publicētu nerediģētus iepazīšanās sludinājumus mākslu, kas radīta, lai reprezentētu tās autoru - priekš tam ir self-publishing, kas tam čalim reāli piestāvētu un es ceru, ka viņš to ir atklājis

implikācija, ka citi iemesli ir ņeaļo, gan ir, well, paštaisna/neempātiska. bet ir vesela rakstnieku suga, kuriem, man šķiet, šāda attieksme ir vitāli nepieciešama, lai radītu (ibo kāpēc gan citādi tādu uzturēt)
[User Picture]
Date:October 28th, 2015 - 03:41 pm
self-publishing, kas tam čalim reāli piestāvētu un es ceru, ka viņš to ir atklājis

atļaušos piezīmēt, ka minētais čalis ir kulta autors, Ņujorkas mākslas aprindu zvaigzne un plaši atzīts laikmetīgās literatūras frontlaineris
[User Picture]
Date:October 27th, 2015 - 08:10 pm
Tomēr vairākās vietās var redzēt (man liekas), ka tik aizrāvies ar savu mākslu, ka patiesība vairs neinteresē.
[User Picture]
Date:October 28th, 2015 - 03:46 pm
viņš ir aizrāvies ar narkotikām, tas točna
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