špokas ([info]strazds) rakstīja,
@ 2013-04-02 23:49:00

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protams, Kiriakou ir tāds pats politieslodzītais, kā visi citi, mazāk demokrātiskās valstīs.
protams, ņujorkeris dod mājienus par to, ka viņš ir sakašķējies ar bijušajiem un tikai tāpēc dabūjis pa kaklu.

bet vispār ir jau gan kretīns: "Kiriakou won a partial scholarship to George Washington University, in Washington, D.C., where he enrolled in Middle Eastern studies. He and his roommate, Ed Hanvitv, used to dress up in business suits and stalk Capitol Hill, seeking autographs from politicians."
un apsūdzētāji tādi paši kretīni: ""He's clearly not a whistle-blower," MacBride said, noting that Kiriakou did not emerge as a dissenter trom inside the C.I.A.'s interrogation program. "He didn't water-board, nor was he one oi the interrogators. He knew about it. Well, I'm sure a lot of people knew about it."

tik un tā, Guanatanamo joprojām eksistē and nobody gives a shit

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