špokas ([info]strazds) rakstīja,
@ 2011-05-26 12:39:00

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We’re turning into a police state.
šmuce pamazām sāk nākt augšā

SARC was led by a crypto-mathematician named Bill Binney, whom Wiebe describes as “one of the best analysts in history.” Binney and a team of some twenty others believed that they had pinpointed the N.S.A.’s biggest problem—data overload—and then solved it.

Now retired and suffering gravely from diabetes, which has already claimed his left leg, he agreed recently to speak publicly for the first time.
Binney expressed terrible remorse over the way some of his algorithms were used after 9/11. ThinThread, the “little program” that he invented to track enemies outside the U.S., “got twisted,” and was used for both foreign and domestic spying.
Binney, for his part, believes that the agency now stores copies of all e-mails transmitted in America.

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