Posted on 2008.12.05 at 13:33
Internetā kāds pidarass ir palaidis vienu no tiem mobīlajiem video, kur 5min ar āmuru līdz nāvei sist un ar skrūvgriezni spīdzina vienu džeku mežā,
tas video ir reizes 5x more fucked up kā tie video, kur islamisti griež nost galvas amīšiem vai krieviem, es neesmu skatījies, bet tikai lasījis dahuja komentārus kā
OMFG!!!! I thought I had seen everything.. like ive seen those vids b4.. seen the fucking horror vids on n shit like that b4.... seen all the nasty ass vids on the internet.. everything... and nothing has had me even close to squemish or anything....
BUT FUCK!!! holy shit, nobody watch that video.. seriously
So, just a friendly warning, ja nu kāds ir kā "es esmu nenormāli kruts (atsladēts) harr harr un skatīšos un ēdīšu vīnogas! Bring it on!"
Just dont
Internetā kāds pidarass ir palaidis vienu no tiem mobīlajiem video, kur 5min ar āmuru līdz nāvei sist un ar skrūvgriezni spīdzina vienu džeku mežā,
tas video ir reizes 5x more fucked up kā tie video, kur islamisti griež nost galvas amīšiem vai krieviem, es neesmu skatījies, bet tikai lasījis dahuja komentārus kā
OMFG!!!! I thought I had seen everything.. like ive seen those vids b4.. seen the fucking horror vids on n shit like that b4.... seen all the nasty ass vids on the internet.. everything... and nothing has had me even close to squemish or anything....
BUT FUCK!!! holy shit, nobody watch that video.. seriously
So, just a friendly warning, ja nu kāds ir kā "es esmu nenormāli kruts (atsladēts) harr harr un skatīšos un ēdīšu vīnogas! Bring it on!"
Just dont