Spilvens ([info]spilvens) rakstīja,
@ 2002-09-16 15:47:00

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Deine Lakaien

We stayed in this room
Near the waterfalls
Where we met the young couple
From Clermont-Ferrand
You were a red primafleur
Amongst grey daffodils
I remember tune
Which goes like this

Kiss me kiss me like I kiss you
Miss me miss me like I miss you
While you dream your dream of somebody else
I play for you the whole night through

Though I hated the falls
I enjoyed every night
Behind curtains of lust
The sunlight burned dry
All the flowers that tried
To dim your bright light
I kept singing my song
Through all day and all night

Kiss me kiss me like I kiss you
Miss me miss me like I miss you
While you draem you dream of somebody else
I play for you the whole night through

The bells of your crown
Couldn't hear them ring
They played for you
But for me they won't sing
And I kissed to deep
Right into your throat
Found an oak inside
That's what it told

Kiss me kiss me like I kiss you
Miss me miss me like I miss you
Go on dreaming your dream
Seems like somebody else
Plays the part of yours
In a cheap old hotel

Now you lay underneath the tower bell
I can hear them singing the tunes from hell
Where the kisses don't burn
'Cause the fire's too hot
So I sing for you with the help of God

Kiss me kiss me like I kiss you
Miss me miss me like I miss you
While you dream your dream of somebody else
I pray for you to escape from hell

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