Spilvens ([info]spilvens) rakstīja,
@ 2010-05-01 12:02:00

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Jau vairākus gadus mana dienaskārtība iekļauj internetā sastopamo komiksu lasīšana :)

Te būs daži, kuri man patīk visvairāk.

Twilight Lady http://www.twilightlady.com

Urbāns komikss par astrāliem ceļojumiem :) Lai arī izteiksmes veids var šķist mazliet atbaidošs sākumā un galvenais tēls stereotipisks, iesaku tomēr izlasīt kaut vienu nodaļu no šīs sāgas, lai izdarītu savu spriedumu.

Once it was nameless. Faceless. Yet conscious.

Once it was free to traverse the many realms of existence.

No longer.

Twilight Lady is about an immortal soul trapped in the prison of the body.

Doesn’t that describe everyone of us, you say? Perhaps.

But when the body is asleep… where does the soul go?

Bez tam iesaku noklausīties komiksa autora albumu The hungry ghost
Šī mūzika arī atsoguļo komiksā sastopamo atmosfēru.


Sunset Grill http://sunsetgrillcomic.com

Arī urbāns komikss par attālu nākotni. Autore ir uzbūvējusi burvīgu pasauli, ir vērts izlasīt komiksa skaidorjošo vārdnīcu par šo pasauli http://sunsetgrillcomic.com/world/ Jaunas lapas parādās reti, bet ir vērts gaidīt.


The year is 2426. Earth is a patchwork quilt of restive, squabbling Domains, loosely joined under the mantle of the Empire, which fights to present a strong, united front to the dozens of technologically advanced, land-hungry, and not particularly moral alien races. The Empire also controls the Sol weftgate, humanity's connection to the galaxy at large: through it goes a steady stream of cheap labor, gone to build, clean, or kill for the wealthier races, and through it comes the money and alien technology that fuels much of Earth's economy.

None of which matters particularly to the patrons of the Sunset Grill, a bar on the shady side of town in the run-down and corrupt city of Kieselburg. They're too busy staying alive. Because no matter what the year, there will always be those who struggle to survive. And no matter how distant, how strange, or how advanced the place, there will always be someone to ask that all-important question: "Hey, is there anywhere in this dump I can get a decent beer?"


Dead Heaven http://www.deadheaven.net

Ļoti tumšs, bet vizuāli skaists komikss par fantāziju pasauli. Jaunas lapas gan parādās reti.



Digger http://www.diggercomic.com/
Viens no maniem jaunākajiem atklājumiem. Ja esat pazīstami ar Pračetu un jums patīk viņa grāmatas, tad jums patiks arī šis komikss :)

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