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rokvels - the new edition [Jan. 31st, 2011|12:59 pm]
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[Current Mood |izelpa]
[Current Music |lady gaga - just dance]

1) Iron Man 2 (2010)
2) Conviction (2010)
3) Everybody's Fine (2009)
4) The Winning Season (2009)
5) Moon (2009)
6) Frost/Nixon (2008)
7) Choke (2008)
8) Joshua (2007)
9) Snow Angels (2007)
10) Matchstick Men (2003)
11) Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2002)
12) The Green Mile (1999)
13) Lawn Dogs (1997)

daļēji redzētās:
1) The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)
2) A Midsummer Night's Dream (1999)

visdrīzāk neskatīšos:
1) G-Force (2009)
2) Gentlemen Broncos (2009)
3) The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (2005)
4) Galaxy Quest (1999)

1) Woman in Burka (2008)
2) The F Word (2005)
3) Piccadilly Jim (2004)
4) Welcome to Collinwood (2002)
5) Running Time (2002)
6) 13 Moons (2002)
7) Heist (2001/I)
8) Made (2001)
9) BigLove (2001)
10) Pretzel (2001)
vēl 24 )
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BET KĀ? [Jan. 27th, 2011|03:33 pm]
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[Current Mood |sad, rīlī sad]
[Current Music |-]

visa diena kļuva melna - un no čaļu slidošanas nekāda prieka.

tu it kā apzinies, ka no gripas mirst. bet parasti iztēlojies, ka tie ir kādi vecāki cilvēki. [vismaz pāri 50]
un tie visi ir vārdos nenosaukti cilvēki.
a šis tomēr ir mārtiņš freimanis.
un viņam bija tik 33..
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11th hour [Jan. 26th, 2011|11:48 am]
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[Current Mood |konfjūzd]
[Current Music |ayn rand - the fountainhead [ab]]

nu kāpēc?
kāpēc at this late hour you have to come into my dreams?
and be so nice and understanding?
and have the talk i didn't even know i craved to have?
it's all far gone.. forgotten.. hidden inside my brain, so no one can unlock it!!
and here you come under the cover of darkness telling me things i always wanted to hear.
telling them in your soft and calm voice.
i bloody hate you now!
hate you! hate you! hate you!
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dzīves ābece [Jan. 20th, 2011|01:18 am]
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[Current Mood |hmm]
[Current Music |prāta vētra - gara diena [galvā]]

'Gara, gara dzīve.
Gara un grūta - kāds elsa un pūta.
Bet es mācos dienu
Nodzīvot kā dzīvi vienu.'

iztēlojos, ka manas dienas būtu mazas dzīves.. un sabijos. tās būtu galīgi garām dzīves!
būs kkas jādara lietas labā..
[BET - ņemot vērā, ka i fell in love with a fictional character and struggled all through his life and was jumping around the room like crazy and crying out loud my excitement.. at least one day was emotionally fulfilled, though in a wrong way anyway - the guy being imaginary and all..]
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around the world in 1 second [Jan. 17th, 2011|12:33 pm]
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[Current Mood |nekāda]
[Current Music |christina aguilera - tough lover]

globusi - bez pārsteigumiem. prieks par beilu.
bet visādi citādi.. tikai pieaug vēlme noskatīties 'the king's speech'
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the magical ways of my memory [Jan. 13th, 2011|01:36 am]
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bāc, beidzu lasīt, izslēdzu gaismu un sagatavojos aizmigt, kad pēkšņi atcerējos savu brīnumaino vakardienas sapni.

I was in a company of a little blond girl from an orphanage. I was from an orphanage too. un ar mums bija vēl kāda mana vecuma tumšmataina meitene, i never met before.
visa darbība norisinājās ap kādu milzīgu muižu, kurā mēs visas trīs mēģinājām tikt iekšā. a muižā dzīvojā kāds dīvains, ļauns [at least we thought so] vīrietis [kurš izskatījās exactly like David Thewlis]. Viņš mūs visādi nelaida iekšā. un tur bija kkādi magic portāli - kas bija caurejami stikli un spoguļi, caur kuriem mēs varējām tikt iekšā, bet viņš kkā paspēja vnm tos nobloķēt.. un mēs tikai redzējām viņa ļauno smīnu [mums tā likās, anyway].
vienā brīdī gan portālā parādījās dusmīgs Aslans, as if viņš arī negribēja, lai mēs tiekam iekšā, bet es nodomāju, ka tā ir tikai Aslana projekcija.
enīvēj, galu galā mēs iekļuvām. un tad to tumšmati sagrāba kkas neredzams un sāka žņaugt un David Thewlis čalītis kliedza, ka mēģināja mūs paglābt. un kad es prasīju, kas notiek viņš teica: "that's the other me he's out. just hide! i'll try to stop him!"
un viņš runāja ar savu atspulgu spogulī. beigās sapratām, ka viņš ir kkāds šizofrēniķis ar personības dalīšanos, bet nevarēju tik atčuknīt, kā tas otrs viņa "es" varēja kko darīt arī fiziski. uz ko viņš teica: "power of human mind has no measure.."
ar ko sapnis arī beidzās.
vsp moš tā bija man kada zīme? [the last sentence - i mean]
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[Jan. 2nd, 2011|12:24 pm]
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[Current Mood |pš.]
[Current Music |-]

the guy [that guy] doesn't get a word in english! pš.
un vēl ir 21. gs.! [varbūt mana utopija par politiķiem, kas brīvi runā visās valodās, tiešām ir tikai utopija, jo cilvēki, kas runā brīvi visās valodās, nekas neies politiķos.. whatever..]


õ. saka, ka [man tomēr nav atmiņas zudums vai kāds blackouts] tikušies neesam, bet "varam satikties"..
probably just have to chuck him.


should go & have breakfast.. to think straighter.


bet vsp. ja viņš arī nesaprot angliski.. varēja vismaz izmantot google translate. [it's what i would have done]
it's all verī puzzling.


need some sane advice
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njāā. būs jāpievēršas normālai literatūrai [Jan. 2nd, 2011|02:39 am]
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[Current Mood |hungry]
[Current Music |stomach growling]

very weird start of the year.
iegāju draugos pēc kāda mēneša ignorēšanas. un had a letter dated today [whish is in fact yesterday] from some 25 year old guy, who had been watching my albums.
letter said: 'sveika :)'
was both flattered and confused, but did answer anyway. [why?]
only then went to look up his own albums that contained no information - but many animal and nature photos. which sort of means the guy is either uncommunicative failure or a very artistic and nice kind of guy, not tusiņu-type [while his profile says the opposite]. also 've learned he's making furniture.. even somewhat pretty furniture.
then my eyes fell on his groups - 'visi džeki ir vienādi', 'seks bez mīlestības', 'iepazīšanās' [totally made me feel like his only desire was to get me out for some meaningless sex. honestly, all that Bridget-thing makes my imagination run wild. i've never even met him and don't have to if don't want to. besides - he hasn't even asked me. džīzas. maybe he wants just to sell me some furniture. yeah - very wise, better just shut up..]
after that fear i googled him not to be some crazy maniac - well he's on one iepazīšanās web site.. [last year] with an expressed wish to meet a 18-22 year old girl. [not that it matters, but i'm almost out of range. pš. feel old.]
anyway.. it is strangely rousing after a year of treading slow waters to have something out of line happen to me right on the first day of my new life..

feel foolish and 13-year-old again. or all bridgetty.. should go back to serious and depressing books, otherwise my brain will shrink even more..
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feeling alive [Dec. 27th, 2010|06:09 pm]
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[Current Mood |svari]
[Current Music |prāta vētra - gara diena]

it's been a great day. like rīlī greit. [apart from the part, that kucēnu saimnieki joprojām nav sasniedzami. un a part where karlusha bit me really hard.. and is still being an ass taking things out of shelves and throwing them down..]

naktī pildīju csn testus [jo pa dienu nebija laika - kārtoju istabu.. took me 2 months to accomplish this dreadful task. un it has been perfectly accomplished.. how do i know? hā, es vnk neko nevaru atrast! tas ir the best rādītājs] un skatījos dīvainu un bišku skērī filmu 'mr. brooks', tad nevarēju aizmigt un lasīju bridžetu.. un smējos skaļi. tad aizmigu tik ap 5iem, a 7os jau cēlos. autoskolā jauni šausmu stāsti. vsp jāpieraksta visi, kurus atceros. un tad bijām ar anniņu uz kīno. džīzas, it just made my day. being the oldest visā auditorijā un behaving like the youngest. [i'm just over-emotional lately] anyway - love meeting friends, reading books and watching movies.

vsp laikam, thanks to madara, got myself an atklāsme about myself:

m: pārāk daudz suņu. bišķi apsēsta nejūties?
s: i'm always obsessed.. with one thing or another

that got me thinking - how true that is and how i haven't really been obsessed with anything for a while. maybe tās ir my obsessions that keep me going, moving, living on? un if i could get obsessed with architecture..
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drifting down the mountain [Dec. 27th, 2010|03:17 am]
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[Current Mood |no mūd]
[Current Music |no music]

pēc tokyo drift sasmējos par brīdinājumu neatkārtot filmā redzētos trikus. pilnīgi dzīvi iztēlojos, kā es stāstu instruktoram - 'ja tut smotrela odin fiļm..'
vsp man patikās. nevaru vairs sagaidīt fast five :P
there's something about the speed, great guys and flashy cars, that i can't resist.
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little things [Dec. 17th, 2010|01:46 pm]
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[Current Mood |opti-mistika]
[Current Music |krismas pārtī]

neskatoties uz to, ka šodien ir izvēlēts absolūts mājas režīms, diena ir izdevusies makten jauka.
[īpaši pēc nakts, kad klepojot pamodināju sevi un visus citus šī dzīvokļa iemītniekus katru pusstundu]
pirmais bija giga wī par jaunajiem treilerīšiem treileraddictā.. tree of life [beidzot]!! un water for elephants [arī beidzot]
un tētis ienāk tieši, kad rāda dārzeni, a man smaids līdz ausīm [vairāk jau par filmu nekā par viņu] un tētis par mani smējās..
un tad anna atnesa ļoti garšīgu pomelo.. un es viņai parādīju filmas rēcīgo 1 h 32 min garo "sākumu"..
[nu jā viņa ienāca uz pāris minūtēm pēc twistera]
un kā kroni visam - i might get a dog today..

p.s. ar seriāliem gan kkāds čakars.. nevaru dabūt attaisāmu versiju.
p.s.2. tētis nopirka man tādu pretklepus sīrupu - ka tur uzreiz izveseļosies, lai vairs nekad nebūtu šitāds **** jādzer.
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ātrais piecinieks [Dec. 14th, 2010|11:28 pm]
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[Current Mood |kakls sāp]
[Current Music |no music]

'fast five' treileris made me rīlī hepī. [apart from the dwayne johnson being there]
tētis pat sasmējās, ka es aiz laimes dīdos. uz ko es atbildēju.. ka tajā filmā ir forši čaļi un ātras mašīnas - lietas, kas man patīk vislabāk? [un klusībā nodomāju - a moš man tiešām tādas lietas patīk?]
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for anna.. and my-dear-self [of course] [Dec. 9th, 2010|09:08 pm]
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[Current Mood |gūd]
[Current Music |pleijeris lādējas]

She stormed into her bedroom at twilight and told Rhett that she was going to have a baby.
He was lounging in a silk dressing gown in a cloud of smoke and his eyes went sharply to her face as she spoke. But he said nothing. He watched her in silence but there was a tenseness about his pose, as he waited for her next words, that was lost on her. Indignation and despair had claimed her to the exclusion of all other thoughts.

- You know I don’t want any more children! I never wanted any at all. Every time things are going right with me I have to have a baby. Oh, don’t sit there and laugh! You don’t want it either. Oh, Mother of God!

If he was waiting for words from her, these were not the words he wanted. His face hardened slightly and his eyes became blank.

- Well, why not give it to Miss Melly? Didn’t you tell me she was so misguided as to want another baby?
- Oh, I could kill you! I won’t have it, I tell you, I won’t!
- No? Pray continue.
- Oh, there are things to do. I’m not the stupid country fool I used to be. Now, I know that a woman doesn’t have to have children if she doesn’t want them! There are things..

He was on his feet and had her by the wrist and there was a hard, driving fear in his face.

- Scarlett, you fool, tell me the truth! You haven’t done anything?
- No, I haven’t, but I’m going to. Do you think I’m going to have my figure ruined all over again, just when I’ve gotten my waist line down and am having a good time.
- Where did you get this idea? Who’s been telling you things?
- Mamie Bart.. she..
- The madam of a whore house would know such tricks. That woman never puts foot in this house again, do you understand? After all, it is my house and I’m the master of it. I do not even want you to speak to her again.
- I’ll do as I please. Turn me loose. Why should you care?
- I don’t care whether you have one child or twenty, but I do care if you die.
- Die? Me?
- Yes, die. I don’t suppose Mamie Bart told you the chances a woman takes when she does a thing like that?
- No, - said Scarlett reluctantly. - She just said it would fix things up fine.
- By God, I will kill her! - cried Rhett and his face was black with rage.

He looked down into Scarlett’s tear-stained face and some of the wrath faded but it was still hard and set. Suddenly he picked her up in his arms and sat down in the chair, holding her close to him, tightly, as if he feared she would get away from him.

- Listen, my baby, I won’t have you take your life in your hands. Do you hear? Good God, I don’t want children any more than you do, but I can support them. I don’t want to hear any more foolishness out of you, and if you dare try to.. Scarlett, I saw a girl die that way once. She was only a.. well, but she was a pretty sort at that. It’s not an easy way to die. I..
- Why, Rhett! - she cried, startled out of her misery at the emotion in his voice. She had never seen him so moved.- Where.. Who?
- In New Orleans.. oh, years ago. I was young and impressionable. - He bent his head suddenly and buried his lips in her hair. - You’ll have your baby, Scarlett, if I have to handcuff you to my wrist for the next nine months.

She sat up in his lap and stared into his face with frank curiosity. Under her gaze it was suddenly smooth and bland as though wiped clear by magic. His eyebrows were up and the corner of his mouth was down.

- Do I mean so much to you? - she questioned, dropping her eyelids.

He gave her a level look as though estimating how much coquetry was behind the question. Reading the true meaning of her demeanor, he made casual answer.

- Well, yes. You see, I’ve invested a good deal of money in you, and I’d hate to lose it.

* * * *

just one more thing, kas vsp varētu atrunāt no lasīšanas angliski :P )
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just an errant thought [Dec. 7th, 2010|04:27 pm]
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[Current Mood |giggly]
[Current Music |prāta vētra]

kad viņi dod tos instruktoru numuriņus.. varētu klāt rakstīt arī instruktoru dzimšanas gadus.. tā - lai vieglāk izvēlēties :P
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a day or two [Nov. 17th, 2010|02:18 am]
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[Current Mood |(yawn)]
[Current Music |everybody's fine [mf]]

šis būs tāds dienas iespaidu, domu un notikumu atstāsts..


es totāli sabojāju savu režīmu. vakar mammai bija brīvdiena un, neskatoties uz to, ka mamma nejutās labi un lielāko dienas daļu mēs nogulējām gultā, skatoties extrasensu cīņu 10. kur viņi lasīja sēnes, tā bija viena no best days in a long time. un tad es taisīju kūku no sabojāta biezpiena ar dīvainu smaku, kakao, mandeļriekstiem un rozīnēm.. kūka gan visiem nenormāli patika. pšš. un tad es atdevu datoru tētim, lai viņš noskatās kā ekstrasensi sēņo.. izdomāju klausīties savu audiobuku un aizmigu.. un tad pusnakti grozījos šā un tā un galu galā no rīta knapi piecēlos un paspēju uz autoskolu.
a šovakar tulkoju dažus papīrus un ļoti gribēju pabeigt un tad pa vidu iejaucās visādas literatūras esejas u.c. brāļa problēmas.. tāpēc šobrīd neguļu.


samērā exhausting, jo šodien bija 5 akadēmiskās stundas bez pārtraukuma, bet pasniedzēja ir ļoti pozitīva un citēja Mihdi [to stilīgo irāņu ekstrasensu, kurš uzvarēja 3.ajā vai 4.ajā sezonā], kas bija smieklīgi, jo lielākā daļa laikam nezināja, kas tas tāds ir. mums grupā viens čalis no bulgārijas [viņu atveda mamma, kas izskatījās ļoti mammīga un tā arī uzvedās, un es no sākuma pat samulsu - 25-gadīgs vīrietis un ar mammu]. un viņš runā serbiski, maķedoniski un bulgāriski.. un krieviski. ā - nu jā, paņēmu krievu kursu, pagaidām neesmu pārliecināta it was the right decision, jo grāmatiņas ta man latviski.. bet gan jau izdzīvošu..


omīte jau cik dienas prasa man attīstīt viņai kādu foršu tofika bildi. es domāju - i'll go with this one, jo piem. šo viņa norakstīja kā ļoti senu.. bet man gan patīk.. tāpēc bišku photoshopa un sanāca labs desktops. un šodien omīte ienāk manā istabā ar tekstiem:
- tu atceries madaras sunīti?
- protams.
- nu lūk tādu mums vajag. man viņš toreiz tā patikās.
[un tas ir pēc visām viņas klaigām par to, ka neviens suns nebūs tofiks, un ja kāds paņems suni, tad viņa šamējam klāt nenāks, bet tagad pagalmā viņai kāds pateica, ka sunim jābūt, un tagad viņai vajag..]
un šis viss beidzās ar to, ka es viņu pārliecināju, ka viņa kucēnu un jaunu suni nepavilks.. it would be too active for her. tofik even was some 10 years ago.. un tad izskatīju visus online patversmju suņus un visus sludinājumus līdz 10 Ls.. [pārsvarā bezšķirnes un par velti] un es esmu ļoti slikts kucēnu foto skatītājs, jo tas bija tā: 'aww!', 'mmmm', 'awwww', 'awww'..
[kgan man joprojām liekas, ka tofiks ir mājās un guļ koridorī.. es nejūtu nekādas izmaiņas.. no death for me.. yet..]


varbūt i'm cold-hearted tāpēc, ka es negribu raudāt, negribu just to tukšumu un sāpi.. iekš 'good will hunting' bija ļoti gudra frāze par to, ka viņš baidījās ļaut sev mīlēt kādu vairāk nekā sevi. es domāju, es baidos mīlēt cilvēkus vairāk nekā sevi.. tāpēc i'm lonely. un ņemot vērā manas paralēles Sārai ar Reta Bonniju un calling them and treating them like 'princesses'.. runājot par mājdzīvniekiem, es laikam neļauju sev viņus mīlēt as much as i loved her..


sapņos ir anna ar kedām ar skrituļiem, kas ātri braukā šurpu turpu. un madara, kas ļoti daudz raksta skaipā. un rolands, kurš saka: 'o, čau.. [pauze] nu labi, atā, gan jau kādreiz vēl satiksimies!' [kas ir vnk 4.dienas saskriešanās atkārtojums] un visādas katastrofas: ugunsgrēki un plūdi, un lavīnas, un vētras..


deimons ir iebremzējies, bourne supremacy skatījos, kad taisīju kūku, bet mamma to seansu izjauca, jo pamodās un atnāca minēt krustvārdu mīklas. [kas vsp mūsu ģimenes tāds skandālu izretināšanas paņēmiens, lai mums nebūtu jārunā par sāpīgām tēmām, mēs risinām krustvārdu mīklas..] un šodien mēģināju skatīties 'informant!' bet negāja labi.. un kamēr rakstīju uzliku fonā 'everybody's fine'. tā kā rokvelam būs vēl viena filma.
un man būs pastiprināta meridithas nozīme vārdam 'fine'.. jo tā ir 'nobody's fine' filma.. un i have tears in my eyes..
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kā jau tika plānots [Nov. 10th, 2010|03:26 pm]
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[Current Mood |:)]
[Current Music |the bourne identity [mf]]

1) We Bought a Zoo [2011]
2) True Grit [2010]
3) The Adjustment Bureau [2011]
4) Hereafter [2010]
5) Green Zone [2010]
6) Invictus [2009]
7) Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea [2008]
8) The Bourne Ultimatum [2007]
9) Ocean's Thirteen [2007]
10) The Good Shepherd [2006]
11) The Departed [2006]
12) Syriana [2005]
13) Ocean's Twelve [2004]
14) The Bourne Supremacy [2004]
15) EuroTrip [2004]
16) The Bourne Identity [2002]
17) Confessions of a Dangerous Mind [2002]
18) Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron [2002]
19) Ocean's Eleven [2001]
20) The Talented Mr. Ripley [1999]
21) Saving Private Ryan [1998]
22) Good Will Hunting [1997]
23) The Rainmaker [1997]

daļēji redzētās:
1) The Informant! [2009]
2) Stuck on You [2003]

1) Che: Part Two [2008]
2) Youth Without Youth [2007]
3) The Brothers Grimm [2005]
4) Jersey Girl [2004]
5) The Third Wheel [2002]
6) Gerry [2002]
7) All the Pretty Horses [2000]
8) Finding Forrester [2000]
9) The Legend of Bagger Vance [2000]
10) Titan A.E. [2000]
11) Dogma [1999]
12) Rounders [1998]
13) Chasing Amy [1997]
14) Courage Under Fire [1996]
15) Glory Daze [1995]
16) The Good Old Boys [1995]
17) Geronimo: An American Legend [1993]
18) School Ties [1992]
19) The Hard Way [1991]
20) Rising Son [1990]
21) Mystic Pizza [1988]
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can you believe it? [Nov. 10th, 2010|11:48 am]
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[Current Mood |'fine']
[Current Music |karluša + kevins]

it seems, ka manos mm-listos, nav Deimons.
kā tas varēja gadīties? pš.
nekas, drīz parādīsies, jo viņš ir mans new guy.
and i like him better than ever.
[beidzot noskatījos 'invictus', un beidzot[kvadrātā] noskatījos 'good will hunting']
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'smart people' - ir tāda filma [Nov. 9th, 2010|02:45 pm]
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[Current Mood |just great]
[Current Music |x-mas music]

- draudzībā jau nav svarīgi, ko cilvēks zina, bet gan kas viņš ir. tu jau nepārstātu ar mani sarunāties, ja es nezinātu, kas ir Umberto Eko. pš.
- bet tu ZINI!
- un ja nezinātu?
- tu nevari nezināt, jo tu zini..
- tātad tu ar mani draudzējies tāpēc, ka es zinu, kas ir Eko?
- nezinu, varbūt. kā viens no kritērijiem. jo ja tu nezinātu to, tu nezinātu arī daudz ko citu un tu nebūtu tu.

[hā, te man gribētos atbildēt, ka mēs jau neesam sev galvā, bet, ņemot vērā manu iepriekšējo sarunu ar sevi, kas nav atrodama blogā, es būtu pretrunā ar sevi. es domāju par to, ka ja lūgt Dievu, lai viņš mani nogalina un viņš neklausa, neklausa.. un piem. sadzird tad, kad neviens viņu par to vairs nelūdz. ja piem. viņš man sūta audzēju galvā, which I asked for, bet somekind of treatable one - es negribētu, lai kāds rakņājas manā galvā, tās ir manas smadzenes un manas crappy thoughts, un I love them. It's who I am. My thoughts are who I am. -> tātad es esmu savā galvā, ne sirdī, vai vēderā, vai dvēselē.. es esmu savā galvā, es esmu tas, ko es zinu.. bāc]
[tātad - ņemsim vērā, ka sarunubiedrs to zina.]

- bet mēs jau neesam tas, ko mēs zinām.
- pš. tu pati tam tici?
- nū. daļēji.
- šr, šr.
- es nezinu.. cilvēks jau nekļūst labāks vai sliktāks no tā, ka viņš pārzin 1 vai 21 valodu. nu un, ka viņi nezin, kas ir Eko, moš viņi toties zina, kas ir Miltons Frīdmens vai Maks Vēbers [šito pat es zinu].. un es zinu, kas ir Daniels Lībeskinds. un Anna noteikti zina daudzus mums nezināmus dakterus..
- wow, wow.. [es zinu, ka you'll probably would never use 'wow, wow' and 'lil' bow wow' either] i get your point, no need being so agitated.
- sorry. don't like to be pushed, push back.
- bet es jau tevi nepushoju.
- i know. but somebody else did before this conversation.
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es skatos 'Morfiju' arī. [Oct. 31st, 2010|07:53 pm]
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es esmu tas bērns, kuram uzdāvina konfekšu kasti un viņš apēd visas uzreiz un tad vakarā raud, ka kaste ir tukša.
un es esmu tas cilvēks, kas ņem un noskatās visas seriāla sērijas vienā diennaktī un grib vēl.
un kas vainīgs, ka vajadzēs vēl lādēt kkādas šī čalīša filmas [un tās vairs nebūs tik labas]?
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i simply like men [Oct. 31st, 2010|04:48 pm]
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[Current Mood |stupid]
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there will always be more and more male actors for me to be fond of..

[jau izlādēju vēl 2 viņa filmas..]
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