so_damn_insane ([info]so_damn_insane) rakstīja,
@ 2007-04-19 15:07:00

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Skaidri zinu, kādā literatūrā iedziļināšos tuvākajā laikā.

"This work is especially well-known, in the context of temporal logic, for introducing the distinction between the "A-series" and the "B-series". By the "A-series" is meant, essentially, the characterisation of events as Past, Present, or Future. By contrast, the "B-series" involves their characterisation as relatively "Earlier" or "Later". A-series representations of time inescapably single out some particular moment as present; of course, at different times, different moments are present — a circumstance which, followed to what appeared to be its logical conclusion, led McTaggart to assert that time itself was unreal (see Mellor, 1981). B-series representations have no place for a concept of the present, instead taking the form of a synoptic view of all time and the (timeless) interrelations between its parts."


Iedvesma sameklēt šo te nāca no
1) saskares ar laikā mainīgiem apgalvojumiem
2) K. Podnieka

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