so_damn_insane ([info]so_damn_insane) rakstīja,
@ 2007-04-04 13:49:00

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/. šodien labs
image search algorithms

1) q
- You're not big on quantum superpositioning, I take it.
- You can take it or leave it.
- I can take it and leave it!

2) Since a huge % (perhaps most) image searches are for porn, it is probably a worthwhile thing for a search server to quickly classify likely porn as a way to reduce search server loading.

3) Generally you try NN's when you don't really understand the problem well enough to try a conventional approach. The problem with NN's is you really don't know what they are actually "learning".

4) The problem is we all know what's gonna be the first result when searching "Caves on uranus"!!!

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